Etiqueta 'Es Baluard'
The art of communicating in images

The art of communicating in images

The art of communicating in images. Elena Urizar is Visual Thinking, a graphic representation technique that allows concepts to be easily summarised and shared. She has her own company, Visualea. In the photo above, Urizar is capturing in images all those ideas that were developed in the third session.

J. MOREY 19/06/2024

The six participants in the second session of the eForum during the round table

The six participants in the second session of the eForum during the round table

The six participants in the second session of the eForum during the round table.

J. MOREY 19/06/2024

Exhibitors. The waste management company Adalmo

Exhibitors. The waste management company Adalmo

Exhibitors. The waste management company Adalmo.

J. MOREY 19/06/2024

Two of the attendees have their photograph taken at the 'photocall'

Two of the attendees have their photograph taken at the 'photocall'

Two of the attendees have their photograph taken at the 'photocall'.

J. MOREY 19/06/2024