Etiqueta 'Majorca coronavirus'
Police on patrol in Palma.


More Police on the streets at Easter in Mallorca

Surveillance will be stepped up in tourist areas, especially where there are more bars and restaurants to prevent an explosion of new infections over the Easter holidays.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter30/03/2021 08:52

Intensive care, Mallorca

Intensive care, Mallorca

The number of Covid intensive care patients has decreased again.

Miquel À. Cañellas 29/03/2021

Health worker in Mallorca

Health worker in Mallorca

The moderate rise in infections has not been reflected by increased hospitalisation.

Miquel À. Cañellas 27/03/2021

Intensive care, Mallorca

Intensive care, Mallorca

Seventeen Covid patients in intensive care in Mallorca.

Teresa Ayuga 26/03/2021

Intensive care, Mallorca

Intensive care, Mallorca

No change to the number of patients in intensive care.

Miquel À. Cañellas 25/03/2021

Health personnel in Mallorca

Health personnel in Mallorca

Test rate at 1.56%.

Miquel À. Cañellas 24/03/2021

Càritas, Mallorca.

Coronavirus news

Nearly 7,000 turned to Càritas for help in 2020 for the first time

Càritas says the number of families in dire need of help increased by 55% in April, May and June 2020, compared to the same period in 2019.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter24/03/2021 13:43

Vaccination in Mallorca

Vaccination in Mallorca

Fifty per cent of the target population has had the complete vaccination course.

ATIENZA - AT cmm - EFE - EFE 24/03/2021

Es Caragol, Colònia de Sant Jordi, Mallorca.

Coronavirus news

Easter Coronavirus Restrictions Update for Mallorca

Large stores and shopping centres are closed on public holidays, except for essential products, but can open on Saturdays with a maximum capacity of 50%.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter24/03/2021 11:20