Etiqueta 'Mallorca Coronavirus'
No face-to-face classes in the Balearics until September.

No face-to-face classes in the Balearics until September.

No face-to-face classes in the Balearics until September.

Ultima Hora 14/05/2020

Coronavirus figures have improved substantially.

Coronavirus figures have improved substantially.

Coronavirus figures have improved substantially.

Cati Cladera 14/05/2020

More stalls will be added to Inca Market in Phase 2.


Inca market back to normal soon?

Inca’s traditional weekly market will get back to normal from Thursday 28 May, provided Majorca is allowed to move to Phase 2 of the coronavirus de-escalation plan.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter14/05/2020 12:15

Nurses at Son Espases Hospital, Palma.

Nurses at Son Espases Hospital, Palma.

Nurses at Son Espases Hospital, Palma.

CAIB 14/05/2020

Buses to protect pedestrians against terror attacks in Palma.

Buses to protect pedestrians against terror attacks in Palma.

Buses to protect pedestrians against terror attacks in Palma.

P. Pellicer 14/05/2020

Investigation into Nursing Homes in the Balearics closed.


No evidence of crime at Nursing Homes

Public Prosecutor's Office says there's no evidence of crime or irregularities at Nursing Homes in the Balearic Islands.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter14/05/2020 08:54

Brits advised to consider Covid-19 before booking a holiday.


Brits Abroad..

BREAKING NEWS British Transport Minister says people should think twice about booking a summer holiday.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter13/05/2020 13:40