Etiqueta 'Mallorca Culture'
How to make traditional Mallorcan panellets
Back in the 18th century, homemade panellets were always made for the All Saint’s Day festival and some people even took them to church to be blessed.
Tots Sants celebrations under threat
The opening of cemeteries for Tots Sants celebrations will depend on the coronavirus situation.
Mayors call for BIC
The hydraulic system of Selva, Inca and Búger is made up of four main sections,
Fullana to perform with the Balearic Symphony Orchestra
The performance starts at 21:30 on Saturday at Bellver Castle in Palma.
Calls for more culture at summer festivals
MÉS per Mallorca has called on the Island's Municipalities to add more culture to summer festivals to keep the Sector afloat.

Buying palm trees
A few summers ago, Other Half and I pulled in at an off-road plantation selling palm trees. A huge road-sign stated; Palm Trees for Sale’.