Mallorca Weather Forecast for Thursday
It's a mixed bag in Mallorca today, some sunshine, some clouds and some very high winds. To view the weather in real time from our webcams all over the island, click here.
Your Weather Forecast for Today
It's a sunny Friday in Mallorca with light winds and a noticeable drop in temperature in some places. To view the weather across the island in real time from our webcams, click here.
Weather Alerts issued for Mallorca
Torrential rain expected across Mallorca and Minorca on Monday. To view the weather across the island in real time from our webcams, click here.
Your Weather Forecast for Today
Mallorca is overcast in the morning and sunny in the afternoon with scattered showers and thunderstorms in some places. To view the weather across the island in real time from our webcams, click here.
Your Weather Forecast for Today
It's a stormy day in Majorca with torrential rain, thunderstorms and high winds in some places. To view the weather across the island in real time from our webcams, click here.

The met. office forecast that this summer would be hotter than usual...
The met. office forecast that this summer would be hotter than usual...

The weather in Mallorca for the first weekend of July is typically summery
The weather in Mallorca for the first weekend of July is typically summery.

General view of Puerto Alcudia
General view of Puerto Alcudia.
The rain in Spain could be coming to an end, weather warning for Mallorca
Spain could face severe challenges due to rising temperatures and shrinking rainfall levels.