Etiqueta 'Mallorca fiestas'
Peace & Love Puerto Portals


What's On this weekend across Mallorca

This weekend summer fiestas are in full swing across the island with Sant Cristòfol, Mare de Déu del Carme, Sant Victoria, Santa Praxedis, Sant Pere and Santa Margalida. Plus concerts, markets and other events not to be missed!

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporterAndrew Ede06/07/2023 10:23

Mallorca summer fiestas celebrations

Mallorca summer fiestas celebrations

Processions for Mare de Deu del Carme in Andratx.

R.F. 30/06/2023

The summer fiestas are in full swing this weekend across the island


Find out what is happening in Mallorca this weekend!

This weekend (June 30 to July 2) summer fiestas are in full swing and continue in Alcudia, Andratx, Arenal, Buger, Campanet, Esporles, Marratxi, Pina, Portopetro and Puerto Soller. Plenty of summer concerts including the Royal Film Concert Orchestra to an Abba tribute plus your weekly and summer markets.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter28/06/2023 14:58

Sant Joan celebrations in Puerto Soller


Sollerics take to the beach or waterside tonight

This is one of the favoured nights of the year and sense of community is felt all around the bay.

Shirley Roberts23/06/2023 14:12

The village is filled with colour and tradition with the dances of Sant Joan Pelos

The village is filled with colour and tradition with the dances of Sant Joan Pelos

The village is filled with colour and tradition with the dances of Sant Joan Pelos.

GORI VICENS 23/06/2023

Palma celebrates Sant Joan 2023

Palma celebrates Sant Joan 2023

Sant Joan celebrations on the Sant Antoni beach in Palma.

PERE BOTA 21/06/2023

Palma celebrates Sant Joan 2023


What's On Sant Joan weekend in Mallorca

This weekend (June 23 to June 25) several parts of the island will be celebrating Sant Joan fiestas. Magalluf continue with their summer concerts and the ATP 250 Mallorca Championships starts. Next week Sant Pere Fiestas celebrations commence. Don't forget our listing of weekly markets across the island.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter21/06/2023 15:26

Sant Joan fiestas in Palma

Sant Joan fiestas in Palma

The night of Sant Juan with a correfoc in Palma.

TERESA AYUGA 20/06/2023