Etiqueta 'Mallorca international School students'
Nude Food Initiative from Year 6
We look forward to watching the Nude Food initiative develop over the next few weeks.
‘From Nursery to University’
In April 2021 construction on the new Art Room and extension of the Music Studio will begin with completion this August.

Antoni Segui (General Manager) wanted to deliver the best British education
Antoni Segui (General Manager) wanted to deliver the best British education.
World Book Day at Mallorca International School
During the day a fun activity included a reading dash between the classes, where class teachers, dressed in costume!!!
Top Ten Facts about Romans from our Year 4 Journalists!
In English the children have created their own Roman Gods and have been writing character descriptions.

The students’ photography represents family, nature and, of course, the view outside
The students’ photography represents family, nature and, of course, the view outside.