Etiqueta 'Mallorca rainfall'
Predicted rainfall for the Balearics on October 6, 2022
This chart shows predicted rainfall for Thursday - up to 80mm or (80 litres per square metre) over the course of 12 hours.
A dry torrent in Mallorca
Drier than usual in Mallorca.
One of the driest hydrological years on record has just ended
Waiting for data for the final three days of September.
Heat wave comes to an end, heavy rains forecast for Thursday
Alert for heat has changed to rain.
Rain in Palma, Mallorca
The southern half of Mallorca has a rainfall deficit.
Rainfall for the Balearics since October has been above average
There is a rainfall deficit for the whole of Spain, but this has been lowered.
Parts of Mallorca expected to be placed on drought pre-alert
One water demand unit in Mallorca is currently on pre-alert; three others are expected to follow.
Mallorca water reserves were 55% in May
May was wetter than usual, but there is a water deficit nevertheless.