Etiqueta 'Mallorca temperatures'
Highs in Mallorca on July 31

Highs in Mallorca on July 31

Highs on Monday.

@AEMET_Baleares 31/07/2023

Temperature predictions for Mallorca and the Balearics from July 28 to August 11

Temperature predictions for Mallorca and the Balearics from July 28 to August 11

Temperature predictions up to August 11.

@AEMET_Baleares 28/07/2023

Highs in Mallorca on July 27

Highs in Mallorca on July 27

Highs on Thursday.

@AEMET_Baleares 27/07/2023

Highs in Mallorca on July 26

Highs in Mallorca on July 26

Highs on Wednesday.

@AEMET_Baleares 26/07/2023

Highs in Mallorca on July 25

Highs in Mallorca on July 25

Highs on Tuesday.

@AEMET_Baleares 25/07/2023

Highs in Mallorca on July 24

Highs in Mallorca on July 24

Highs on Monday.

@AEMET_Baleares 24/07/2023

Just Stop Oil protest


Do you have sympathy with the Just Stop Oil protesters?

We absolutely should be investing in clean, alternative energy, but we’re simply not at a place to just stop using fossil fuels at this moment in time.

Richie Prior24/07/2023 17:11

Cooling down in Palma, Mallorca

Cooling down in Palma, Mallorca

Cooling down at Hort del Rei in Palma this month.

Jaume Morey 23/07/2023

On the beach in Mallorca

On the beach in Mallorca

Sea temperature has reached 28C, according to figures this week.

Archive 21/07/2023

Drinking water to cool off during these hot days in Palma


Don’t go too early on the Big Heat

At 40 degrees latitude, the most dramatic effects of climate change are likely to be experienced.

Andrew Ede21/07/2023 14:34

Highs in Mallorca on July 19

Highs in Mallorca on July 19

Highs on Wednesday.

@AEMET_Baleares 19/07/2023

Mallorca heatwave

Mallorca heatwave

The red heat alert is causing temperatures to reach 44 degrees Celsius in Sa Pobla.

M.A. CAÑELLAS 18/07/2023

Drinking water to cool off during these hot days in Palma

Drinking water to cool off during these hot days in Palma

Drinking water to cool off during these hot days in Palma.

miquel angel canellas 18/07/2023