Etiqueta 'Mallorca tourism'
Bar terrace in Menorca

Bar terrace in Menorca

The calling-back of 'fijo discontinuo' employees this month will give an indication of tourism reactivation after the winter.

Gemma Andreu 03/02/2023

Bar terrace in Menorca

Majorca tourism

Balearics tourism in 2022 - only 397 fewer tourists

Foreign tourism in the Balearics compared with 2019 was much higher than for the whole of Spain.

Andrew Ede03/02/2023 07:25

Cala Galiota, Colonia Sant Jordi, Mallorca

Majorca tourism

Weakness of the pound a warning for Spain's tourism in 2023

The Bank of Spain is less positive about tourism this year than politicians and industry representatives.

Andrew Ede27/01/2023 08:48

Commander Enrique Gómez Bastida of the Guardia Civil

Latest headlines

Guardia Civil commander is new tourism chief of staff

Enrique Gómez Bastida has been involved with tackling 'tourism of excess' in Magalluf and Playa de Palma.

Andrew Ede11/01/2023 16:06

Rosana Morillo, Spain's secretary-of-state for tourism

Majorca tourism

No tourism price war for the Balearics

"The strategy of the Balearic tourism sector has not been to compete on prices with Turkey or Egypt."

Andrew Ede04/01/2023 19:20

Tourism meeting at Balearic government HQ

Tourism meeting at Balearic government HQ

Tuesday's meeting at the Balearic government's HQ.

Govern de les Illes Balears 03/01/2023

PALMA - Alerta máxima en las Islas por el paso de un cohete chino descontrolado.
Los aerolíneas extranjeras se vieron obligadas a reprogramar el tráfico de Alemania y el Reino Unido a Palma, afectando a más de 9.000 pasajeros.
Incertidumbre entre los


Does Spain like the UK?

Why has not Spain done the same considering with the new EU travel visas and finder print checks coming into forces next year, border controls in Spain for Britons are only going to get worse?

Humphrey Carter22/12/2022 15:23