Thursday's weather in Mallorca
A forecast high of 32C; some cloud around, but predominantly sunny.
Wednesday's weather in Mallorca
Cloudy across most of the island in the morning; clearing later.

Weather Forecast
Weather forecast
Today's weather: a generally clear and sunny day
Get the latest weather forecast for the whole island by clicking here.
Sunday's weather in Mallorca
Yellow alerts for high temperatures in parts of the island on Sunday.
Mallorca Weather Forecast for August 16
The heatwave should come to an end on Monday. Get the latest weather forecast for the whole island by clicking here.

Son Marroig
Son Marroig

Heat wave in Mallorca
Cooler for much of the coming week.
Temperatures due to drop up to ten degrees in Mallorca
Temperatures forecast to fall in northern areas on Monday; in southern areas on Tuesday.

Heat wave in Mallorca
The heat wave is due to end on Monday.
Snow and the heat dome: the week in Mallorca
Last week's traffic lights were of a heat variety, and a whole bunch of Brits were supposedly singing La Marseillaise.
Mallorca Weather Forecast for August 15
Keep up to date with the weekend weather in Mallorca by clicking here.

Cooling down in Palma, Mallorca
Cooling down in Palma.
Mallorca Weather Forecast for August 14
Keep up to date with the weekend weather in Mallorca by clicking here.
Mallorca Weekend Weather Forecast for August 13-15
Slap on some sun tan lotion and keep up to date with the weekend weather in Mallorca by clicking here.
Mallorca Weather Forecast for August 13
Keep up to date with the weekend weather in Mallorca by clicking here.
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