Conditions will improve slightly.
Conditions will improve slightly.
General view of Palma
General view of Palma.
Mallorca Weather Forecast for Thursday
It's cloudy in most parts of Mallorca today with some sunny intervals and a high of 18 degrees. Weather forecast for the weekend has improved! Take a look at our five day forecast. To find out what the weather's like in other parts of Mallorca, click here.
Mallorca Weather Forecast for Wednesday
It's mostly overcast in Mallorca today, but some places will have sunshine this afternoon. Check the forecast for the next few days. Weekend looking wet! To find out what the weather's like in other parts of Mallorca, click here.
Mallorca Weather Forecast for Tuesday
It's a cloudy day in Mallorca with moderate-strong winds and a high of 18 degrees. Check the forecast for the next few days. To find out what the weather's like in other parts of Mallorca, click here.
Mallorca Weather Forecast for Monday
The weather is a bit mixed in Mallorca for Balearics Day, with sunshine in some places and fog in others. To find out what the weather's like in other parts of Mallorca, click here.
Mallorca Weather Forecast for Sunday
It's a beautiful sunny day in Mallorca with high winds in some places. To find out what the weather's like in other parts of Mallorca, click here.
Mallorca Weather Forecast for Saturday
Most of Mallorca will be sunny today with moderate to strong winds in some places. To find out what the weather's like in other parts of Mallorca, click here.
Mallorca Weekend Weather
It will be mostly sunny in Mallorca this weekend with mild-moderate winds in some places. To find out what the weather is like in other parts of Mallorca, click here.
Mallorca Weather Forecast for Friday
The sun's out in Mallorca bringing a top temperature of 19 degrees and low-moderate winds to some places. To find out what the weather is like in other parts of Mallorca, click here.
Mallorca Weather Forecast for Thursday
Mallorca is mostly sunny today with a high of 18 degrees. To find out what the weather is like in other parts of Mallorca, click here.
Mallorca Weather Forecast for Wednesday
The sun's out in Mallorca today and the high is 19 degrees. To find out what the weather is like in other parts of Mallorca, click here.
Mallorca Weather Forecast for Tuesday
It's a cloudy day in Mallorca with the possibility of scattered showers, but some places will have a little bit of sunshine this afternoon. To find out what the weather is like elsewhere in Mallorca, click here.
Mallorca Weather Forecast for Monday
The weather's a bit miserabe in Mallorca today with rain and strong winds in most places. Check the weather forecast for the next few days. Don't forget to check out our webcams for live footage on the island here.
Mallorca weather for Saturday
A warm Saturday, highs of between 19C and 23C being forecast. Check the forecast for the weekend and the next few days. Monday is not looking good! Don't forget to check out our webcams for live footage on the island here.
Spring in Mallorca
Warm weather this weekend.
Spring weather in Mallorca this weekend
Showers of muddy rain possible on Sunday evening.
Mallorca Weather Forecast for Friday
It's overcast this morning in most of Mallorca, but the sun will come out this afternoon and the high will be 21 degrees. Take a look at the weekend forecast and see how we start next week. Looking gloomy! To keep up with the weather all over the island via our webcams click here.