Etiqueta 'Mallorca weather'
Today's temperatures


All you need to know about the weather in Majorca

Temperatures higher than normal are expected the next few days so try to keep cool!

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter14/08/2020 13:28

Colònia de Sant Jordi, Majorca.


Good Morning from Majorca

It's sunny but a little cooler in Majorca today with light to moderate winds. To view the weather across the island from our webcams, click here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter15/08/2020 00:10

Ses Salines, Majorca.


Good Morning from Majorca

Temperature have dipped slightly in Majorca but it's still very hot with light to moderate winds. To view the weather across the island from our webcams, click here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter13/08/2020 00:10

Playa de Palma, Majorca.


Good Morning from Majorca

It's very hot and sunny in Majorca with extremely strong winds in some places. To view the weather across the island from our webcams, click here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter12/08/2020 00:10

Playa de Palma, Majorca.


Good Morning from Majorca

It's very hot and sunny in Majorca today with strong winds in some places. To view the weather across the island from our webcams, click here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter11/08/2020 00:10

Mondragó Natural Park, Majorca.


Good Morning from Majorca

It's partly sunny, partly cloudy in Majorca today with very strong winds in some places. To view the weather across the island from our webcams, click here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter11/08/2020 00:10

Cala na Clara, Arta.


Good Morning from Majorca

It's very hot and sunny in Majorca today with moderate winds in some places. To view the weather across the island from our webcams, click here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter09/08/2020 00:10



Good Morning from Majorca

It's a beautiful, hot, sunny day in Majorca with temperatures in the mid-30's in some places. To view the weather across the island from our webcams, click here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter08/08/2020 00:10

Palmanova, Majorca.


Record temperatures recorded in July

The highest for the entire month was 42.2ºC in Hondarribia on July 30 followed by 38.8ºC at Burgos/Airport on July 27.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter07/08/2020 08:46

Can Picafort, Majorca.


Good Morning from Majorca

It's a beautiful, hot, sunny Friday in Majorca with a warm breeze in most places. To view the weather across the island from our webcams, click here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter07/08/2020 00:10

Temperatures rise in the Balearic Islands.


The temperature's rising again!

Hot days and warmer night forecast in the Balearic Islands and the rest of Spain over the next few days. Take a peek at the weather where you through our webcams, click here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter05/08/2020 10:35

Mondrago National Park, Majorca.


Good Morning from Majorca

It's hot and sunny in Majorca today with a light to moderate winds. To view the weather across the island from our webcams, click here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter06/08/2020 00:10

Santanyi, Majorca.


Good Morning from Majorca

It's hot and sunny in Majorca with light to moderate winds. To view the weather across the island from our webcams, click here.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter05/08/2020 00:10