Etiqueta 'Marilles Foundation Mallorca'
We cannot talk about marine conservation and quality tourism without mentioning a key variable: quantity

We cannot talk about marine conservation and quality tourism without mentioning a key variable: quantity

We cannot talk about marine conservation and quality tourism without mentioning a key variable: quantity.

Aniol Esteban 06/06/2024

We cannot talk about marine conservation and quality tourism without mentioning a key variable: quantity


Quality (and quantity) tourism in the Balearics

After years of hearing that we need to grow in value and not in volume, we hope that we can finally move from words to action.

Aniol Esteban06/06/2024 15:35

Fishing in the Balearics

Fishing in the Balearics

Fishing in the Balearics.

Sebastiá Torrrens 29/04/2024

Marilles has been committed to working with coastal communities


People who protect the sea

At Marilles we are very clear that in order to guarantee the future of protected marine areas, they must be desired and not imposed.

Aniol Esteban02/04/2024 10:46

The Mediterranean is one of the most threatened marine ecosystems on the planet


Protecting 30% of the Mediterranean: towards a sustainable future

Currently, 1.7% of the Balearic Sea is highly protected, and at the Marilles Foundation we are working to reach 10% by 2030 through the Balearic Blue Deal.

Aniol Esteban07/03/2024 14:58

Santa Ponsa

Santa Ponsa

Santa Ponsa.

S@AdobeStock 22/11/2023

Salps (Sarpa salpa) are herbivorous fish that usually form large schools.


A political compromise that looks to the sea

More than 150 companies and organisations have joined forces to ask all political parties to put marine conservation at the centre of future government action.

Aniol Esteban21/06/2023 13:58

Swimming in crystal-clear waters

Swimming in crystal-clear waters

Swimming in crystal-clear waters.

Silva Mus 06/05/2023

Shoal of barracudas (Sphyraena) photographed during a dive at El Toro’s buoy 6, at a very shallow depth.


More marine protected areas

These perfectly achievable objectives represent a medium- to long-term investment. We know that for every €1 invested in a marine protected area (MPA) we get a wellspring of benefits.

Aniol Esteban23/10/2022 19:35


The gas trap

Current geopolitical challenges have given gas a new lease of life.

Marilles Foundation29/08/2022 13:00


From collective failure to collective success

More than 150 countries have committed to conserve or protect at least 30% of the oceans with marine protected areas (MPAs) and other effective conservation measures by 2030.

Marilles Foundation23/07/2022 16:13

Cala Saona beach in Formentera


Investing to protect our seas

The sea gives us everything: fish, recreation, climate regulation, biodiversity, health, education, etc.

Marilles Foundation12/07/2022 10:35


MPA's final event in Palma

MPAs are an essential tool for the conservation of the sea.

Marilles Foundation19/06/2022 10:30