Etiqueta 'Palma Mallorca'
Tourists in Palma, Mallorca

Tourists in Palma, Mallorca

Palma's percentage is very low.


Palma town hall office, Mallorca

Palma town hall office, Mallorca

Public workers aren't just administrative; they include the police, for example.

Miquel À. Cañellas 30/06/2021

Protest against traffic restrictions in Palma, Mallorca

Protest against traffic restrictions in Palma, Mallorca

Businesses are opposed to Palma town hall's measures.


High temperature in Palma, Mallorca

High temperature in Palma, Mallorca

Some 30,000 new residents each year.

Jaume Morey 22/06/2021

People on a street in Palma, Mallorca

People on a street in Palma, Mallorca

Palma's population is over 420,000.

Miquel À. Cañellas 18/06/2021