News from Queen's College
A day learning in the woods.
The World of Harry Potter According to the Year 6 Students at Queen's College
Students have been captivated by the Harry Potter novels and have loved listening to podcasts from many of the actors who have been involved in the Harry Potter films.
A week in the life of primary pupils at Queen’s College
Another busy week of learning for the children at Queen's College.
Queen’s College science week
Last week the primary children at Queen’s College celebrated National Science Week with a particular focus on the theme of Growth.
A day of kindness and calm
Thank you to everyone who helped us to achieve this and donated with such love and generosity.
World Book day and 25 years of Harry Potter
Last Thursday the primary children at Queen’s College celebrated World Book Day.
We’re going on a fossil hunt!
They thoroughly enjoyed their fossil hunt and even discovered a tortoise basking in the sunshine!
"Fantasia" Carnival comes to Queen's College
The primary children at Queen’s College have been investigating the traditions associated with carnival in Spain and elsewhere in the world.
Art inspirations, 3D designs and plenty of magic! All in a week's work at Queen's College
The results were stunning! The children delved into their toy boxes to bring life to their creations.
Queen’s College Nursery explore the surrounding woodland
For more information about our Nursery class or other year groups, please contact info@queenscollege.es
Queen’s College - Change is happening!
Year 12 biology students were asked to investigate the levels of Vitamin C in different juices.
Primary Spanish lessons at Queen's College
The primary children at Queen’s College study Spanish and Catalan alongside the British curriculum.