Etiqueta 'Sant Sebastià fiestas'
Demons' correfoc for the Sant Sebastiá fiestas in Palma, Mallorca

Demons' correfoc for the Sant Sebastiá fiestas in Palma, Mallorca

Demons' correfoc for the Sant Sebastiá fiestas.

Julian Aguirre 25/01/2023

Sant Sebastia fiestas in Palma

Sant Sebastia fiestas in Palma

A concert for Sant Sebastian at Plaza Cort.

M.A. CAÑELLAS 19/01/2023

El Drac de na Coca leaves Palma City Hall

El Drac de na Coca leaves Palma City Hall

Images of the Drac de na Coca, which left Palma City Hall accompanied by a batucada, which led it to Plaça Major. The city of Palma is celebrating the Revetla de Sant Sebastià, which has officially begun with the departure of the Gegants i Capgrossos de la Sala and the lighting of the Fogueró in Plaça Mayor by the Drac de na Coca.

Youtube: Europa Press 19/01/2023

A stage for Sant Sebastià fiestas concerts in Palma, Mallorca

A stage for Sant Sebastià fiestas concerts in Palma, Mallorca

The stage in Plaça Cort.

Gemma Marchena 19/01/2023

Dragon of fire for Palma's Sant Sebastià fiestas

Dragon of fire for Palma's Sant Sebastià fiestas

Dragons, demons and beasties for the fiestas.

Miquel À. Cañellas 17/01/2023

Concert for Sant Sebastià fiestas in Palma, Mallorca

Concert for Sant Sebastià fiestas in Palma, Mallorca

The town hall will be hoping that nothing goes wrong in January 2023.

Jaume Morey 05/10/2022

The Cavallets dances for Sant Sebastià

The Cavallets dances for Sant Sebastià

The Cavallets dances for Sant Sebastià

M.A. CAÑELLAS 20/01/2022

Concert for Sant Sebastià fiestas in Palma, Mallorca

Concert for Sant Sebastià fiestas in Palma, Mallorca

Called off in 2021, the year before Storm Gloria caused problems for the concerts.

Jaume Morey 07/01/2022

Barbecue for the Saint Sebastian fiestas in Palma Mallorca

Barbecue for the Saint Sebastian fiestas in Palma Mallorca

Nothing like this for the party night.

Archive 17/12/2021