All you need to know about the weather in Majorca
There was rainfall and storms in the north of Majorca. Temperatures in the mid 20's.
All you need to know about the weather in Majorca
Very windy across the islands and some rainfall in Minorca.
All you need to know about the weather in Majorca
The Balearic Islands experienced some showers and storms that were brief.
All you need to know about the weather in Majorca
Great sunny summer day on the Balearic Islands. Tomorrow however rain is expected.
All you need to know about the weather in Majorca today
A great sunny warm day on the Balearic Islands.
All you need to know about the weather in Majorca on Tuesday
Tuesday was a beautiful warm and sunny day.
All you need to know about the weather in Majorca
Check daily temperatures, wind, gusts and rainfall for the Balearic Islands.
Mulled wine in Bini as temperatures hit 32 degrees!
Summer is here so get ready for a hot weekend!
Storm Gloria continues to hit Majorca
An orange weather warning will remain in place for the Balearic Islands today and tomorrow.
The weather in Majorca
Another hot and humid day. Tomorrow expect temperatures to reach over 37º cenitgrade so precautions need to be taken to stay cool.