Etiqueta 'Tramuntana mountains'
Motorbiking in the Tramuntana Mountains, Mallorca

Motorbiking in the Tramuntana Mountains, Mallorca

Authorised or illegal, residents want an end to races.

Alejandro Sepúlveda 22/11/2022

Tramuntana Mountains scene, Mallorca

Tramuntana Mountains scene, Mallorca

The tranquillity of the mountains is often shattered by motor sport events.

Archive 16/11/2022

View of the Tramuntana Mountains in Mallorca

View of the Tramuntana Mountains in Mallorca

The Tramuntana Mountains, increasingly more popular.

Archive 23/10/2022

A BMW that was being driven recklessly in the Tramuntana Mountains, Mallorca

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Skidding and speeding - reckless driving in the Tramuntana

It's no longer just the illegal motorbikes races in the mountains; there is reckless car driving as well.

Andrew Ede02/08/2022 18:12

Tramuntana Mountains scene, Mallorca

Tramuntana Mountains scene, Mallorca

There are times when visitor numbers in the mountains are especially high.

Archive 06/03/2022

The dump is located near Coll de sa Batalla, on a private estate

Latest headlines

Glass found in the Serra de Tramuntana was a former municipal landfill site

Medi Ambient's inspection has resulted that the landfill occupies an area of one thousand square metres and that the soil is not contaminated.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter31/01/2022 10:02