Etiqueta 'Tramuntana mountains'
Council create a professional school for dry-stone wall building


Professional school to conserve the art of dry-stone walling

Dry-stone walls in Spain have been added to UNESCO’s list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter30/11/2019 04:01

Male Brambling (lef) with a male Chaffinch for comparison

Wild Majorca

Let it snow, let it snow!

We all keep a look out in the winter for the Accentors and the Hawfinch, but from time to time a rare vagrant turns up that mixes in with the Chaffinches, and is therefore my chosen bird of the week, the Brambling.

Neville James-Davies23/11/2019 09:38

The relatives of Royal Air Force sergeant Jacqueline Tennant, who died in Lluc, pay tribute to her


Inquest into death of British woman finally concludes

Although Monique told the coroner she was grateful her sister had been found, she said her mind was still not at rest as she had no idea how she had died.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter23/11/2019 09:35

Mancor Motorcross

Out and About

Mancor Motorcross

Death defying leaps, incredible feats of balance and sheer nerve was put on display.

Peter Clover06/11/2019 09:56

The goat population in the Tramuntana is problematic.


Doubts cast on wild goat meat proposal

Farmers want to be able to sell wild goat meat as a means of tackling overpopulation.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter16/03/2019 07:06

There are 34 kilometres of road with dry stone work.


Request for roads' dry stone work protected status

The guild of dry stone workers wants roads to be declared an asset in the cultural interest.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter27/02/2019 18:26

Bikers stopped by the Guardia Civil in the Tramuntana.


New drive to reduce motorbike noise in the Tramuntana

Some motorbikes create an enormous amount of noise and pose a risk to road safety.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter12/01/2019 19:22

The Majorca Fire Service engaged in a mountain rescue.


New signage for Tramuntana safety

In 2017, there were 21 accidents along the Torrent de Pareis, one of the riskier parts of the mountains.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter21/05/2018 00:00

A motorbike is a great way to see the mountains, but races are a different matter.


Controls demanded against motorbike racing in the mountains

Not all bikers are reckless but there is a minority who create danger and noise pollution.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter11/03/2018 00:00

Cars end up all over the place when people go to the mountains for the snow.


Escorca "saturated" by cars when it snows

"The result is usually chaos, with cars parked in the middle of the road and very long queues."

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter08/12/2017 00:00

The Tramuntana mountains lack a clear management plan.


GOB attacks "deficient" management of the Tramuntana mountains

There is no overall plan which sets out lines of management responsibility, but these are essential for meeting objectives.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter19/03/2017 00:00