Cameras being considered to end Palma Airport parking area queues

Drivers blame charges for parking

There were regular reports of problems last year. | MDB


Palma's councillor for mobility, Antonio Deudero, says that there is going to be "a solution" to the problem with cars waiting on the access road to the parking zone at Son Sant Joan Airport.

It is understood that consideration is being given to the installation of camera number-plate readers. Fines would be issued to drivers who wait and cause tailbacks.

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Deudero says that meetings have been held with the police and the airport management but cannot confirm that cameras will be in place in time for the main tourism season.

This said, the problem is largely caused by drivers who pick up friends and family living in Mallorca. And they blame the Aena airports authority for having created the problem with the charges for the express parking area. This is free but only for ten minutes. Drivers regularly go to the airport and argue that it is not surprising that they queue, given the prices.

Last year, the tailbacks were such that Aena put barriers in one lane to prevent the queuing. This had little effect.