Palma is already ready experience Holy Week. Although the Christian celebration begins on April 2 with Palm Sunday and ends on April 9 with Easter Sunday, the processions start a little earlier.
From March 31 until April 7, thousands of brotherhoods will walk Palma streets in a display of the different moments of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Below you can find times and routes of the 33 brotherhoods that will take part in the 11 processions this year.
Here are the maps where the processions will take place in Palma.
Banner procession.
Friday of Dolores (March 31)
Banner procession. Departs at 6pm from Sant Antoniet convent.
Route: C. Sant Miquel, Pl. Major, Pl. del Marqués del Palmer, Bosseria, Sindicat, Ample de la Merca and entrance to Sant Felip de Neri church.
Palm Sunday (April 2)
Entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem procession. Departs at 6pm from Sant Jaume parish church.
Route: C. Sant Jaume, Pl. Del Rei Joan Carles I, Passeig d'es Born, Sant Feliu, Sant Gaieta, Can Asprer, Av. Jaume III, Baró de Santa Maria del Sepulcre, Berenguer de Sant Joan, Bonaire, Concepció and entrance to La Concepció church.
Image of the Sant Crist dels Boters, carried by four members of the brotherhood.
Easter Monday (April 3)
Procession of the Sant Crist del Boters. Departs at 9pm from Sant Joan de Malta church.
Route: Sant Joan de Malta church, C. de Sant Joan, La Llotja, Pl. de la Drassana, Sant Pare, Sant Llorenc, Costa de Santa Creu, Sant Feliu, Montenegro, Sant Joan and the entrance to Sant Joan de Malta church.
Procession of Nostra Senyora de l’Esperança i la Pau (Our Lady of Hope and Peace). Departs at 8.15pm from the Basilica of Sant Francesc.
Route: Basilica of Sant Francesc, Pl. Sant Francesc, C. de Sant Francesc, Pl. Santa Eulalia, Cadena, Cort Square, Colom, Bosseria, En Coll Square, Galera, Corderia, Quartera Square, Espaterna, Sant Joan de Malta, Santa Eulalia Square, Cadena, Cort Square, Colom, Bosseria, En Coll Square, Galera, Corderia, Quartera Square, Espaterna. de la Quartera, Espateria, Pl. del Mercadal, Travessia d'en Ballester, Fom d'en Vila, Gerreria, Pl. de Quadrado, Can Troncoso, Pl. de Sant Francesc and entrance to the Basilica of Sant Francesc.
Procession of the Sant Crist de l' Agonia. Departs at 8.30pm from Santa Clara convent.
Route: Santa Clara Convent, C. de Santa Clara, Puresa, C. d'En Morei, Can Fortuny, Call, Monti-Sion and entrance to the Church of Monti-sion de Palma.
Buen Perdon procession. Departs at 8.30pm from Sagrado Corazón parish church.
Route: Sagrado Corazón parish church, C. Reina Violant, Nunó Sanç, Son Ventallol, Rul-lan, Pl. Santa Elisabet, Reina Violant and entrance to Sagrado Corazón parish church.
Procession of the Verge Dolorosa.
Holy Tuesday (April 4)
Procession of the Verge Dolorosa (Sorrowful Virgin). Departs at 9pm from Sant Nicolau church.
Route: Sant Nicolau Church, Pl. Frederic Chopin, C. Tous i Maroto, Constitució, Passeig del Born, Pl. Rei Joan Carles I., Unió, Pl. Mercat, La Riera, La Rambla, Costa de la Sang, Pl. Hospital and entrance to the Church of the Annunciation.
Camí de Getsemaní Procession.
Holy Wednesday (April 5)
Procession of the Sant Crist de Santa Creu. Departs at 8.30pm from Santa Creu church.
Route: C. del Forn de l'Olivera, Ses Barques de Bou, Pólvora, Pl. de la Porta de Santa Catalina, Santa Creu, La Pau, Can Granada, Sant Gaieta, Sant Feliu, Montenegro, Sant Joan, La Llotja, Pl. de la Drassana, Sant Pere, Sant Llorenç, Costa de Santa Creu, Forn de l'Olivera and entrance to Santa Creu church.
Camí de Getsemaní Procession. Departs at 9pm from Nostra Senyora de la Soletat church.
Route: Nostra Senyora de la Soletat church, Pl. Minims, C. Cabrera, Sant Rafal, Sureda, Reis Catolics, Pl. Miquel Dolo, Reis Catolics, Pare Bayó, Sant Vlcany Ferrar, Bujosa, Nuno Sano, Reina Violant and entrance to Sagrat Cor church.
Procession of the Sant Crist de la Sang.
Maundy Thursday (April 6)
Procession of the Sant Crist de la Sang. Departs at 7pm from the Annunciation church.
Route: Pl. de l' Hospital, Costa de l' Hospital, Costa de la Sang, La Rambla, C. dels Oms, Sant Miquel, Pl. Mallorca, Pl. del Marquès del Palmer, Colom, Pl. de Cort, Palau Reial, Victòria, Conquistador. Pl. de la Reina, Pl. del Rei Joan Carles I, Unió, Pl. del Mercat, La Riera, La Rambla, Costa de la Sang, Costa de l'Hospital, Pl. de l'Hospital and entrance to Annunciation church.
Good Friday (April 7)
Procession of the Sant Enterrament. Departs at 7pm from the Basilica of Sant Francesc.
Route: Basilica of Sant Francesc, Pl. de Sant Francesc, C. de Sant Francesc, Pl. de Santa Eulàlia, Cadena, Pl. de Cort, Colom, Bosseria, Pl. d’En Coll, Galera, Corderia, Pl. de la Quartera, Espateria, Pl. del Mercadal, Travessia d’en Ballester, Socors, Pl. Llorenç Bisbal Batle and entrance to the Church of Nostra Senyora dels Socors. Once the procession has finished, the solemn ceremony of the Sant Enterrament will take place in the Church of Nostra Senyora dels Socors.
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