What's On in Mallorca from Monday to Thursday

Events from Monday, 18 to Thursday, 21 September


Monday, September 18

Bunyola, Sant Mateu Fiestas - 6pm: Soapy pole; 10pm: Trio Aquarius, line dance, Magic Albert. Plaça Andreu Estarellas.

Puerto Pollensa - 8.30pm: Music in the Streets; Afrobeat. By the tourist information office. Free.

Tuesday, September 19

Bunyola, Sant Mateu Fiestas - 5pm: Children's entertainment with Petitxandongos; 9pm: Quiz night. Plaça Andreu Estarellas.

Gintonics Band
Gintonics Band to perform in Bunyola.

Wednesday, September 20

Binissalem, Vermar Fiestas - 8pm: Folk dance with the school of dance. Plaça Església.

Bunyola, Sant Mateu Fiestas - 9pm: Tapas night. 10pm: Gintonics Band, Valnou, ForaNom, DJ. Plaça Andreu Estarellas.

Deya - 8.30pm: Deya International Music Festival; Kasper Peter Bach, Alfredo Oyágüez (pianos), Brahms, Ravel and others. Son Marroig, Ctra. Valldemossa. 25 euros. dimf.com.

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Pollensa - 8.30pm: Music in the Streets; Jive Jam. Plaça Major. Free.

Puerto Pollensa - 8.30pm: Music in the Streets; Pep, Toni & Julie. By the tourist information office. Free.

Yoga del Mar Spirit Festival. Photo: Facebook

Thursday, September 21

Binissalem, Vermar Fiestas - 9pm: Vermar noodles party. Can Arabi.

Bunyola, Sant Mateu Fiestas - 10am: Procession by the Noïze Band of Music. 11am: Popular games. Plaça Andreu Estarellas. 12 noon: Jewel races. By Ca Ses Monges. 12.30pm: Concert - Noïze Band of Music; 5pm: Children's entertainment. Plaça Andreu Estarellas. 7pm: Solemn mass. 9pm: Dance with the Bunyola School of Dance. Plaça Andreu Estarellas. 12 midnight: Castle of drones light show. C. Santa Catalina Thomàs.

Esporles - From 9am: Yoga del Mar Spirit Festival; yoga, meditation, live music and more. Can Torna Agrotourism, Ctra. Esporles km 4.3. Day pass 95 euros. yogadelmar.es / ticketib.com. (Runs until September 24.)

Palma - 6pm: SimfoVents Palma. Plaça Major. Free.

Palma - 8pm: Israel Fernández (flamenco singer). Teatre Principal, C. Riera 2. 8-35 euros. teatreprincipal.com.