What's On in Mallorca from Friday to Sunday

Events from Friday, 22 to Sunday, 24 September

La NIt de L'Art takes Palma once again with several galleries, cultural centres and museums taking part. | T. AYUGA


These are the events taking place in Mallorca this weekend. Fairs and fiestas continue, music concerts and other events not to be missed.

Friday, September 22

  • Binissalem, Vermar Fiestas - 8.30pm-3am: Al fresco dinner in the streets. 1.30am: Correfoc; Dimonis Sa Fil-loxera de l'Infern. Plaça Església.
  • Calonge (Santanyi), Sant Miquel Fiestas - 6pm-10pm: Legend Cars exhibition. Sports area. 8pm: Music, poetry, wine tasting. Església Vella. 10pm: O-ERRA, DJs, light show and effects. Plaça Sant Miquel.
  • Campanet, Sant Miquel Fiestas - 8.30pm: Lanterns procession. From Plaça Son Bordoi. 9pm: Fideus supper; 10pm: Music and dance with Duo Lluna Plena. Plaça Son Puca.
  • Esporles - From 9am: Yoga del Mar Spirit Festival; yoga, meditation, live music and more. Can Torna Agrotourism, Ctra. Esporles km 4.3. Day pass 95 euros. yogadelmar.es / ticketib.com. (Runs until September 24.)
  • Inca - 9.30pm: Hijos de Matxín, Tres Piezas; rock, pop. Teatre Principal (Annexe), C. Teatre 10. Ten euros. teatreprincipalinca.com.
  • Lloseta - 9pm: Da Souza (power pop) plus Maria Jaume. Lloseta Theatre, C. Pou Nou. 15 euros.
  • Montuiri - 8pm: Qanat (Mallorcan and Middle Eastern folk mix). Cas Retratista, C. Pujol 10. Ten euros.
  • Palma - 1pm-4.30pm / 8pm-11pm: Maris Galicia (Galician seafood festival). Trui Son Fusteret Showground, Camí Vell Bunyola. sonfusteret.com. (Every day; Sunday 1pm-4.30pm only.)
  • Palma - 5pm-8pm: 1st Mallorca Almond Fair. Passeig del Born. Palma.
  • Pina (Algaida), Sant Cosme and Sant Damià Fiestas - 7.30pm: Opening address. At the church. To follow - Bingo, food truck and, at 10.30pm, karaoke. In the square.
  • Pollensa - 8pm: José Ángel Hevia and Maria José Hevia; multidisciplinary show. Sant Domingo Convent Cloister, C. Guillem Cifre de Colonya. Ten euros.
  • Porreres - 8.30pm: Deya International Music Festival; Kasper Peter Bach, Alfredo Oyágüez (pianos), Brahms, Ravel and others. Sa Bassa Rotja, Camí de sa Pedrera s/n. 25 euros. dimf.com.
  • Puerto Pollensa - 7pm: Balearic General Command Music Unit; concert of film soundtracks. Military base. Free, access on foot only, presentation of ID essential.
  • Puerto Soller - 8pm-midnight: Havaneres Festival; Estol de Tramuntana, Embat, Mar i Vent. Repic Beach. Free.
  • Valldemossa - 7pm: Marion Depres (singer, guitarist). Fundació Cultural Coll Bardolet, Via Blanquerna 4. Free.
BINISSALEM - FIESTAS POPULARES - CELEBRACION DE LA FESTA DES VERMAR.Un imaginativo y colorido desfile regado con el sabor y los
Float parade in Binissalem.

Saturday, September 23

  • Alcudia - 5.30pm: Gathering of giants. Plaça Carles V.
  • Alcudia - 9pm: Alcudia Jazz Festival; Alternatilla All-Woman Jazz Band. Alcudia Auditorium, Plaça Porta Mallorca. 22 euros. auditorialcudia.net.
  • Binissalem, Vermar Fiestas - 5pm: Floats procession. 5.30pm-10pm: Wine fair. Parc de la Rectoria. 11pm-5am: ODS, Anegats, O-ERRA, Duplicats. Plaça Església.
  • Buger - 8pm: Catalina Sureda (violin), Julia Martínez (piano); Debussy, Prokofiev, Stravinsky. Fundació ACA, C. Antoni Caimari Alomar. Two euros.
  • Cala Bona, Cala Millor Tourist Fiestas - 8.30pm: Concert - Sant Llorenç and Son Servera Bands of Music.
  • Calonge (Santanyi), Sant Miquel Fiestas - 4pm: Children's entertainment. Plaça Sant Miquel. 7pm: Mass. 10pm: Orquestra Galatzó and DJ. Plaça Sant Miquel.
  • Campanet, Sant Miquel Fiestas - 11am: Carriages. From Sa Murtera. 12 noon-midnight: Quintades party. Plaça Son Puca.
  • Inca - 9.30pm: Dr. Hum, Vënkman; rock. Teatre Principal (Annexe), C. Teatre 10. Ten euros. teatreprincipalinca.com.
  • Marratxi - From 11am: Rata Market of art, design and artisan products, plus live music. Museu del Fang (Ceramics Museum), Sa Cabaneta.
  • Palma - 5.30pm: Miss Loopita and others (electronica); benefit for housing charity. Es Baluard, Plaça Porta de Santa Catalina.
  • Palma - From 6pm: Nit de l'Art 2023. Various locations. artpalmacontemporani.com.
  • Pina (Algaida), Sant Cosme and Sant Damià Fiestas - 9pm: Al fresco supper; 10pm: Playback competition. In the square.
  • Pollensa - 8pm: Tchaikovsky Festival; Diego Hervalejo (piano), Guiseppe Campisi (double bass), Lluís Naval (percussion), jazz versions of Tchaikovsky. Sant Domingo Cloister, C. Guillem Cifre de Colonya s/n. 15-25 euros. festivaltchaikovskymallorca.com / ticketib.com.
  • Portol - 6pm: Sanxo (singer-songwriter). Espai Cultural Sa Font, C. Major 1. Donations.
  • Puerto Alcudia - 4.30pm-8pm: End of summer party; ages six to fourteen. Races, games, sport, workshops and more. Paseo Marítimo.
  • Puerto Soller - 8pm-midnight: Havaneres Festival; Aires Sollerics, Gent des Pla, Mar i Vent. Repic Beach. Free.
  • Santanyi - 9pm: Santanyi International Music Festival; Balearic Symphony Orchestra, Rafael Adobas (flute) - Sibelius, Nielsen, Mozart. Sant Andreu Church. Free. Reservations in advance, ticketib.com.
  • Soller - 8pm: Pablo Alegria (singer, guitarist). Casal de Cultura - Museu de Soller, C. Sa Mar 13. Free.
  • Soller - 8.30pm: Nou Romancer (folk). Can Dulce Cultural Centre, Gran Via 15. 20 euros.

Sunday, September 24

  • Binissalem, Vermar Fiestas - 10.45am: Dignitaries, pipers, giants, folk dancers. From the town hall. 11am: Mass. 11.45am: Offer of grape must to Santa Maria de Robines; folk dance and dance of giants. By the church. 4.30pm-8.30pm: Wine fair. Parc de la Rectoria. 7pm: Photos (traditional dress), folk dance and music, wine from Bodegas José L. Ferrer. Parc de la Rectoria.
  • Calonge (Santanyi), Sant Miquel Fiestas - 10am: Calonge Fair; 6pm: Tribute to senior citizens and concert by Adagio Band of Music (Cala d'Or). Plaça Sant Miquel.
  • Felanitx, Sant Miquel Fair - From 9am. Various locations. 11.30am: Folk dance with Abeniara. Font de Santa Margalida. 5pm: Line dance. Sa Torre Park.
  • Palma - From 5.30pm: Wipe Out Mallorca Surf Film Festival; music from Go Cactus and others, food trucks. San Carlos Museum, Portopi. 15 euros.
  • Palma - 7pm: Xanguito (Mallorcan pop, rumba). La Misericordia, Plaça Hospital 4. Free.
  • Pina (Algaida), Sant Cosme and Sant Damià Fiestas - 7.45am: Ringing of bells, then pipers. 11am: Children's entertainment. In the square. 2pm: Giant paella. Sa Font. 8pm: Concert - Algaida Band of Music. In the square.
  • Port Adriano - 11am-5pm: American Car Show; over 50 cars, food trucks, live music, pin-ups competition. Central plaza.
  • Sa Pobla - 7pm: Women Don't Wait For Waits; Kristin Hersh (American rock). Sa Congregació, C. Rosari 25. 20 euros. ticketib.com.