Mallorca events: What's On from Friday to Sunday

Events from Friday, 10 to Sunday, 12 November

Pumpkin fair in Muro. | M.SERRA


This weekend Inca gets ready for their Dijous Bo (Thursday, November 16) aswell as their fiestas of Santa Maria la Major. Es Capdellà, Muro and Pollensa will hold each their own fair. Santa Ponsa will have the Mallorca Dance Festival.

POLLENÇA. FERIAS. El mal tiempo desluce una Fira de Pollença muy artesana.
Pollensa fair this weekend.

Friday, November 10

  • Es Capdellà, Autumn Fair - 4pm-6pm: Entrance of animals. C. Ametllers, C. Església. 6pm: Olive oil tasting. Senior citizens' centre.
  • Inca, Dijous Bo - 8.30pm: Address for the Dijous Bo fair; performances by the Orfeó l'Harpa d'Inca choir, the Unió Musical Inquera band of music, and Orquestra Lauseta. Teatre Principal, C. Teatre 10.
  • Muro, Autumn and Pumpkin Fair - 7pm-10pm: Wine-tasting; twelve small bodegas. Convent Cloister. Tapas route (six bars/restaurants), free mini-train service.
  • Palma - 8.30pm: Ensemble Tramuntana; baroque original instruments quartet - violins, violone, harpsichord. Sant Felip Neri Church, C. Sant Felip Neri.
  • Palma - 8.30pm: Palma Festival of Early Music; Bartomeu Manresa, organ recital. Santa Creu Church, C. Sant Llorenç. Free.
  • Pollensa, Pollensa Fair - 8pm: Opening of design exhibition. Sant Domingo Church. From 8.30pm: Winemakers Band and DJs. Can Villalonga.
  • Santa Ponsa - From 12 noon: Mallorca Dance Festival. Galatzó Municipal Pavilion. 15 euros. (Also Saturday and Sunday; start times vary.)
  • Valldemossa - 7pm: Jaeden Izik-Dzurko (piano); Chopin, Fabregas, Ravel, Schumann. Chopin and Sand Cell, Charterhouse. 20 euros. /
Correfoc in Inca.

Saturday, November 11

  • Alcudia - 10.30am / 4.30pm: Youth Dance Gala. Alcudia Auditorium, Plaça Porta Mallorca. Ten euros.
  • Buger - 9pm: International Encounter of Composers; Kathleen Balfe (cello and electronica). Fundació ACA, C. Antoni Caimari Alomar. Free.
  • Es Capdellà, Autumn Fair - 9am: Artisan and food market, animals' zone, classic motorbikes. 12 noon: Superflex, street show. C. Església. 2pm: Lunch of pork and cabbage. Plaça Sa Vinya. 4pm / 5.30pm: Children's entertainment. Plaça Sa Vinya. 7.30pm: Barbecue; 9.30pm: Music from Bosc; 11pm: DJs. Plaça Sa Vinya.
  • Inca, Dijous Bo - 10.30am-10pm: Vermut Fest; vermouth, tapas, music, children's activities. Plaça Mercat Cobert. 2pm / 7pm-3am: Dijous Bo Rally. From Avda. del Pla.
  • Inca, Santa Maria la Major Fiestas - 7pm: Inc'Fernet, children's correfoc; Dimonis Foc d'Inca, Dimonis Factoria de So, Dimonis S'Eixam, Dimonis Calvia Vila, Dimonis Escarrufaverros, Batucada Animes de So. Plaça Espanya. 8.15pm: Compline service. Santa Maria la Major Church. 8.30pm: Lighting of bonfires. Plaça Santa Maria la Major, Plaça Bestiar. 11pm: Inc'Fern, correfoc; Dimonis Foc d'Inca, Dimonis Comte Mal, Dimonis Factoria de So, Dimonis S'Eixam, Dimonis Realment Cremats, Dimonis Factoria de Foc, Dimonis Myotragus, Bruixes de Mallorca, Batucada Fieres d'Inca. From Plaça Quartera to Plaça Espanya.
  • Muro, Autumn and Pumpkin Fair - 12.30pm: Balloons. By the town hall. 6pm: Children's correfoc; Dimonis de Sa Pedrera. From Plaça Comte d'Empúries and back.
  • Palma - 7.30am: Festival of Light. Palma Cathedral.
  • Palma - 8pm: Acadèmia 1830; Rachmaninoff, Symphony No. 2, Op. 27. Teatre Xesc Forteza, Plaça Miquel Maura 1. 12 euros.
  • Palma - 8pm: Rafael González Paz (piano); Schumann, Carnaval and Kreisleriana. Sant Felip Neri Church, C. Sant Felip Neri. 12 euros.
  • Palma - 9pm: Jazz Voyeur Festival; Zenet, Pedro Rosa Quartet. Trui Theatre, Cami Son Rapinya 29. 20-26 euros. /
  • Pollensa, Pollensa Fair - 10am-2pm: Music activities and performances. Can Villalonga. 11am: Opening of the artisan show. Sant Domingo Cloister; Traditional instruments. Plaça Major. 12 noon: Pollensa wine-tasting. C. Bartomeu Aloy. 1.30pm: Music from Saoko. Plaça Major. 3pm: Children's activities. Plaça Ca les Monnares. 4.30pm: Matances (Farmers' Cooperative). C. Bartomeu Aloy. 6.30pm: Fashion parade. Placeta Monti-Sion. 7pm: DJs. Can Villalonga. 7.30pm: Demonstration of how to make soups from matances, followed by samplings. C. Bartomeu Aloy. 8pm: Concert - Soloists from the Pollensa Band of Music. Monti-Sion Church.
  • Porreres - 8.30pm: Fona Fall Fest; Joan Miquel Oliver (indie). Porreres Auditorium, C. d'en Cerdà 21. 20 euros. /
  • Puerto Portals - 5pm-11pm: 9th Edition of the Sant Markt in Puerto Portals. Help raise funds for help raise funds for La Fundación Rana; Story Sankt Martin. Capricho Square; Biscuit workshop. Plaza Mayor; Lantern workshop. Boulevard; Wishing Workshop. Boulevard Fountain. Register at 5 euros of which 3 euros go to the Rana Foundation.
  • Sant Llorenç - 8pm: Y Sin Embargo, tribute to Joaquín Sabina. Espai 36, C. Major 36. 18 euros.
  • Selva - 10am-6pm: Tenth anniversary Wake Up Dance; DJs, jam session, yoga, non-alcohol event. Finca Son Bonet. 15-18 euros in advance, 20 euros on the day.
  • Soller - 8.30pm: Ensemble Tramuntana; baroque original instruments quartet - violins, violone, harpsichord. Sant Bartomeu Church.
ES CAPDELLA. FERIAS. Celebración. Es Capdellà celebró este fin de semana la Fira de Feines de Tardor, feria que no se pudo ce
Autumn fair in Es Capdellà.

Sunday, November 12

  • Alcudia - 11am: Youth Dance Gala. Alcudia Auditorium, Plaça Porta Mallorca. Ten euros.
  • Bunyola - 6.30pm: Bunyola Festival of Music; University of the Balearic Islands Women's Choir. At the church. Ten euros.
  • Es Capdellà, Autumn Fair - 9am: Artisan and food market, animals' zone, classic motorbikes. 11am: Giants and pipers procession. C. Major, C. Església. 2pm: Lunch of sopas mallorquinas; 4pm: Circ Stromboli; 6pm: Folk dance with Arreu. Plaça Sa Vinya.
  • Inca, Santa Maria la Major Fiestas - 10am: Giants. Plaça Santa Maria la Major. 10.15am: Solemn Eucharist, Inca cossier dancers, Unió Musical Inquera band of music, release of doves.
  • Muro, Autumn and Pumpkin Fair - From 10am: The fair. 11.30am: Sampling of paella with pumpkin and sweet pastries with pumpkin. Plaça Abeuradors. 12 noon: Pumpkin competition. By the town hall. 6pm: Folk dance with Revetla d'Algebelí. By the town hall.
  • Muro - 7.30pm: Agustín El Casta (comedy). Muro Theatre, C. Joan Carles I. 20 euros.
  • Palma - 2pm: LaLiga EA Sports; Real Mallorca v. Cádiz. Son Moix Stadium, Camí dels Reis. POSTPONED.
  • Palma - 9pm: El Consorcio (Spanish vocal group). Trui Theatre, Cami Son Rapinya 29. 38 euros.
  • Palma - 6pm: Balearic Youth Orchestra, three choirs, Natalia Salom (soprano), Miquel Àngel Torrens (narration); 'La Croda al Regne sobre el Mar'. Palma Conservatory. C. Alfons el Magnànim 64. 15 euros.
  • Pollensa, Pollensa Fair - 10am: Pipers and dignitaries; samplings of lamb and tastings of wine. C. Bartomeu Aloy; children's workshops. Plaça Major. 10am-2pm: Music activities and performances. Can Villalonga. 11am: Procession by Aires de la Cala folk dancers. 12 noon: Cockerels and sheep competitions. C. Bartomeu Aloy. 1pm: Music from Sailant; 5.30pm: Children's musical entertainment (Astronautes Estrellats). Plaça Major.
  • Puigpunyent - From 11am: Craft beer show, with local breweries, food stalls, live music. Plaça Ajuntament.
  • Santanyi - 6pm: La Bella y la Bestia (Beauty and the Beast). Teatre Principal, C. Bisbe Verger 38. Five euros.