Four thousand people expected for Palma New Year's Eve party

The party starts at 11.30pm

The party in Plaça Cort. | Miquel À. Cañellas


Palma town hall estimates that some 4,000 people will attend the New Year's Eve party in Plaça Cort - right outside the town hall building.

Not held since 2019 - officially at any rate - the anticipation is particularly high this year. Security, as ever, is paramount. The town hall's security committee met on Friday to finalise plans.

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Two Immediate Intervention Units will be available as will be nine members of the GAP preventive action group. Officers would normally work a 6pm to 2am shift, but this will be extended to 6am on Monday. In addition, there will be the Night Unit and a dozen officers from the National Police.

The party starts at 11.30pm, with entertainment scheduled to go on until 1.40am.