Joan Mas and Dragut clash at the start of the battle. | Pere Bota


This year's Moors and Christians re-enactment in Pollensa could be the first in which women take the roles of the two main protagonists - Dragut and Joan Mas. The support cast, as it were, of Lloctinent, Abanderat and members of the Ajuntament Vella could also be women.

Pollensa town hall has opened the period for applications and has replaced the word 'men' with 'persons'. The councillor for fiestas, Mateu Tugores, says that the change is in order to open the election process up to "equality and inclusiveness". Candidates are elected by Pollensa residents.

The town hall points out that if women are chosen, they will have to wear men's clothing; the characters being played were, after all, male.

The Moors and Christians battle, the climax to Pollensa's La Patrona Fiestas, is on August 2. The elections will be on the evening of July 12 at the Joan March Gardens.

In 2019, women (fighting on the Christians side) took part in the battle for the first time since the mid-nineteenth century. Historical reports had shown that women did once feature.