Mallorca events: What's On from Friday to Thursday

Events from Friday, 1 to Thursday, 7 November

Inca celebrates its third fair this weekend with a medieval theme. | M.NADAL


Over the next seven days, Mallorca is bursting with exciting events! Starting Friday, the Rolex Challenge Tour Grand Final takes place at Alcanada Golf in Alcudia, and Esporles hosts the lively Circus of Cultures Festival with performances and live music. In Inca, the Third Fair offers a medieval market, processions, and family-friendly entertainment. Enjoy a variety of concerts across the island, from classical and jazz to choir performances. Don’t miss illusionist Jorge Blass in Palma or the National Ballet of Albania’s "Giselle". Embrace a week full of Mallorca’s cultural and festive spirit!

EIVISSA. MAGIA. Jorge Blass, reconocido ilusionista, volverá a subirse a un escenario en Ibiza este domingo
Jorge Blass brings magic to Palma's Auditorium.

Friday, November 1

  • Alcudia - Rolex Challenge Tour Grand Final. Alcanada Golf. (Until Sunday.)
  • Campanet - 11.30am: DaBraccio Quartet. Campanet Cemetery. Free.
  • Esporles - 11.30am-midnight: Circus of the Cultures Festival; various circus and performance acts plus live music. La Vilanova. Five euros. / (Also Saturday and Sunday.)
  • Inca, Third Fair, Epoch Fair - 10am: Opening of the mediaeval market; processions and music from 11am until 10.15pm. Various locations.
  • Manacor - 7pm: Mallorca Chamber Orchestra, Olivier Charlier (violin); Mozart and Mahler. Sant Vicenç Ferrer Convent, Plaça Convent. Free.
  • Palma - 10am-7pm: Seimad Motor Island. Son Fusteret Showground. Tickets from 14 euros. Until Sunday.
  • Palma - 8pm: Jorge Blass (illusionist). Palma Auditorium, Paseo Marítimo 18. 30-40 euros. (Also Saturday 8pm and Sunday 6pm.)
Ice Queen musical at Palma's Auditorium. Photo: Palma Auditorium

Saturday, November 2

  • Buger - 8pm: Choirs Festival; Campanet Sant Miquel Choir and Schola Cantorum. Sant Pere Church. Free.
  • Bunyola - 6.30pm: Bunyola Festival of Music; Coro Diatessaron choir. Teatre Rafel Ramis, Plaça Andreu Estarellas. Ten euros.
  • Inca, Third Fair, Epoch Fair - 9.30am-8.30pm: Creativity fair. Fabrica Ramis, Gran Via Colom 28. Two euros; children under-12 free. 10am: Mediaeval market; processions and music throughout the day until 10.30pm. Various locations. 10am-7pm: Falconry exhibition. Plaça Santa Maria la Major. 11am-8pm: Rata market of design, art, artisan products, music. Sant Domingo Cloister, Avda. Germanies. 4.30pm: Mediaeval horse show. Plaça de Toros. Free. 6pm: Concert - Do Natural (folk). Plaça Mercat Cobert.
  • Inca, Creativity, Crafts and DIY. 9.30am to 8.30pm.Also Sunday. Fabrica Ramis. Rata Market. 11am to 8pm. Claustro de Santo Domingo. Also Sunday from 10am to 7pm.
  • Manacor - 8pm: Manacor Jazz Festival; Vaquer-Fuster-Garcias Trio. Plaça Rector Rubi. Free.
  • Marratxi, Autumn Fair - 10am-1.30pm: Local products show. 6pm-midnight: Party with La Canción del Verano and DJs. Sant Marçal.
  • Montuiri - 5pm: Baiao de Duas; Brazilian piano, percussion and vocal duo. Cas Retratista, C. Pujol 10. Ten euros.
  • Palma - 10am: Halloween 'Freaky' Market; games, merchandise, comics, music. C. Blanquerna. Free.
  • Palma - 12 noon / 6pm: Family operatic concert; Maia Planas (soprano), José Manuel Sánchez (tenor), Pablo López (baritone), David Mohedano (piano), Maria Antònia Salas (actress). Teatre Principal, C. Riera 2. 2-8 euros.
  • Palma - 12pm to 2pm and 5pm to 8pm. Enchanted Forest. Porto Pi Shopping Centre. Also on Sunday.
  • Palma - 5pm: La Reina del Hielo (Ice Queen). Palma Auditorium, Paseo Marítimo 18. 20 euros. (Also Sunday.)
  • Petra - 7pm: Damià Fluxà (acoustic band). Petra Theatre, C. Sol 5. Ten euros.
  • Sant Llorenç - 7pm: Grup 23 (pop-rock). Espai 36, C. Major 36. Five euros.
MARRATXI. FERIAS. El municipio recupera su tradicional Fira de Tardor como marca de identidad. La muestra contó con más de un
Marratxi holds a fair this Sunday.

Sunday, November 3

  • Caimari - 7pm: Caimari International Festival of Early Music; Tomeu Segui (harpsichord), Marta Jiménez (baroque violin); Bach. Església Vella. Pay as you wish.
  • Inca, Third Fair, Epoch Fair - 9.30am-8pm: Creativity fair. Fabrica Ramis, Gran Via Colom 28. Two euros; children under-12 free. 10am: Mediaeval market; processions and music until 7pm. Various locations. 10am-7pm: Falconry exhibition. Plaça Santa Maria la Major. 10.30am-7.30pm: Mediaeval circus. Plaça Mercat Cobert. 11am-8pm: Rata market of design, art, artisan products, music. Sant Domingo Cloister, Avda. Germanies. 12 noon / 4.30pm: Mediaeval horse show. Plaça de Toros. Free. 12 noon-3pm / 6pm-10pm: Children's zone. C. Miquel Duran and C. Pau.
  • Manacor - 7pm: Manacor Jazz Festival; Maria Schneider and the Clasijazz Big Band. Manacor Auditorium, Passeig Ferrocarril. 18 euros.
  • Marratxi, Marratxi Fair - From 10am-4pm: Artisan market. 10.30am: Dance of giants. 10.30am-3pm: Children's party (inflatables, painting, etc.). 11am: Workshop for almond milk. 11.30am: Release of doves. 12 noon: Marratxi School of Music. 12.30pm: Ball de bot folk dance with Terra Rotja. 1.30pm: Kalemba batucada drummers. Sant Marçal. 2pm: Xaranga procession. Sant Marçal.
  • Palma - 6pm: Jazz Voyeur Festival; Chano Domínguez (piano) and friends. Teatre Principal, C. Riera 2. 2-35 euros.
  • Santanyi - 7.30pm: Orquestra Acadèmia 1830; Mozart, Falla. Teatre Principal, C. Bisbe Verger 38. Five euros.
  • Soller - 8pm: Jorge Tello (baritone), Maria Casado (soprano), Marta Pujol (piano). Sant Bartomeu Church.

Tuesday, November 5

  • Palma - 7pm: String sextet from the Seville Baroque Orchestra; works by Jean Philippe Rameau. CaixaForum, Plaça Weyler 3. 15 euros.

Wednesday, November 6

  • Palma, Fira B - 4pm-9pm: Five concerts starting with Marc Laliga (classical, piano), then three other classical concerts and one world music. Teatre Xesc Forteza, Plaça Miquel Maura 1. One euro for all concerts.
  • Palma - 8pm: Enderrock Balearics Music Awards; Anegats, Maria Jaume, O-ERRA and others. Teatre Principal, C. Riera 2. Free with invitation.
PALMA. MUSICA. Marco Mezquida Trío da el ‘sus’ a la séptima edición de Fira B! en el Xesc Forteza. Un momento del concier
Fira B! will be held over a few days at Es Gremi in Palma.

Thursday, November 7

  • Cala Millor - 8pm: Balearic Symphony Orchestra; Bach, Handel and Mozart. Sa Maniga Auditorium, C. Son Galta 4. Free. /
  • Palma, Fira B - 11.15am / 1.15pm: J. Bordoy (pop), Suonno d'Ajere (world music). Teatre Mar i Terra, C. Sant Magi 89. One euro for both concerts. 6pm-11.30pm: Negre (pop), The Ripples (indie), Coals (pop from Poland), Xanguito (pop-rumba) and various others. Es Gremi, C. Gremi de Porgadors 16, Son Castelló Industrial Estate. Free with reservation.
  • Palma - 8pm: Albania National Ballet, 'Giselle'. Palma Auditorium, Paseo Marítimo 18. 38-45 euros.
  • Palma - 8.30pm: SimfoVents Palma, Capella Mallorquina choir, Cor de Ciutat d'Eivissa choir; Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. Palma Cathedral. Free.
  • Palma - 9pm: Pedro Aznar (Argentine singer). Trui Theatre, Cami Son Rapinya 29. 30-40 euros.