Mallorca events: What's On Friday to Sunday

Events from Friday, 8 to Sunday, 11 November

A pumpkin weighting 82 kilos during the Pumpkin fair in Muro. | M.SERRA


From November 8-10, Mallorca's towns host festive events: Inca's Dijous Bo and Santa Maria la Major fiestas feature fairs, concerts, a mead tasting, children’s fire parade, and the traditional “Correfoc” fire run. Muro’s Pumpkin Fair includes pumpkin games, workshops, and music. Pollensa offers artisan shows, music, and tastings during its annual fair. In Palma, the Fira B festival presents jazz and world music performances. Other highlights include a remembrance service, Real Mallorca soccer match, and festive markets in Puerto Andratx and Puerto Portals.

Mary Lambourne, una voz que convence en el estreno del Auditòrium Jazz Fest.
Traditional jazz artist Mary Lambourne.

Friday, November 8

  • El Toro - 3pm-5pm: Beach clean up. Organised by Cleanwave Movement.
  • Inca, Dijous Bo - 8.30pm: Fair opening address by Francisca Truyol Fàbregas. Following the address, performances by the Inca Harp Choir and the Mallorca Chamber Orchestra Quintet.Teatre Principal d’Inca. 10.30pm: Concert: Commercial Music, Pep Torrens + Resident DJ. Sa Lluna. 11pm: Concert: DJ Jessi RULEZZ. SART Club.
  • Palma, Fira B - 11.15am / 1.15pm: Mary Lambourne (traditional/jazz), Laia Ferrer (traditional/indie). Teatre Mar i Terra, C. Sant Magi 89. One euro for both concerts. 5.30pm-1am: Geometrical Sardine (jazz), Pitxorines (traditional), Maria Hein (pop), Stockholm Noir (electronica) and various others. Es Gremi, C. Gremi de Porgadors 16, Son Castelló Industrial Estate. Free with reservation.
  • Palma - 9pm: Miguel Poveda (flamenco singer), Jesús Guerrero (guitar). Palma Auditorium, Paseo Marítimo 18. 50-70 euros.
  • Muro, Autumn and Pumpkin Fair - 7pm - 10pm: Wine Show. Convent Cloister. Night of Tapas - Bar hopping. There will be a free mini-train service to get around town.
  • Pollensa, Pollensa Fair - 8pm: Inauguration of the Tocar Fusta exhibition (design and circularity. Sant Domingo Church.
INCA. FERIAS. DIJOUS BO INCA, CAPITAL DE MALLORCA. La ‘Fira de fires’ sigue siendo un éxito sin reinventar nada. El Dijous
Inca's Dijous Bo.

Saturday, November 9

  • Arta - 7pm: Ànima Gospel, soloist Sheela Gathright. Benefit concert. Arta Theatre, C. Ciutat 1. 12 euros.
  • Inca, Dijous Bo & Santa Maria la Major Fiestas - 9am - 1.30pm: Queen's Cup Mead, 6th Edition. International Mead Championship. Tasting event "Meads of the World." Exhibitions, workshops, and activities. Claustre de Sant Domingo. 10am - 12.30pm: 24th Dijous Bo Rally, Tac Sport Trophy. Avinguda del Pla. 10am - 2pm: Rediscover Inca Fashion. Footwear and Industry Museum. 11am - 11pm: IX Vermut Fest 2024 Fair of Balearic vermouths. Food trucks, vermouth, and cocktails by Biel Ramon. Option for vermouth + tapa tasting: €5. Plaça del Mercat Cobert. 6pm: performances at Sa Lluna. 6pm theatre performance. 7pm: Inc’fernet, children’s fire parade with the Fieres d’Inca drum group. Plaça d’Espanya. 8.15pm Completes Vigil Service. Santa Maria la Major Church. 8.30pm: Lighting of the bonfire and dance of the Inca demons, accompanied by the bagpipe players. Plaça de Santa Maria la Major. 8.30pm lighting of all the bonfires in Inca. Traditional dance led by the group Revetlers des Puig d’Inca. Plaça del Bestiar. 11pm: INC'FERN 2024. "Correfoc" fire run and drum procession. Starts at Plaça de la Quartera, continues along Bisbe Llompart Street, Comerç Street, and ends at Plaça d’Espanya.
  • Muro, Autumn and Pumpkin Fair - 9am to 11am: Find the pumpkin. Throughout the town of Muro, 5 pumpkins will be hidden. Every half hour, a clue will be shared on the Town Hall’s social media (@WhatsApp, @Instagram, @Facebook) to help you locate each pumpkin. Whoever finds a pumpkin gets to keep it and wins a prize. This activity is open to all ages, young and old, to join in the search for the Muro pumpkins. 10am - 1pm: Water, Canals and wetlands. Guided tour of the S'Albufera Natural Park. Es Forcadet Tower (turnoff on Murterar Road Ma-3433 - Can Blau Iron Bridge). For information, call 609 602 239 - Free activity - Limited places. 10am: Pumpkin lantern workshop. Plaça dels Abeuradors. 12.30pm: Globotada (Balloon Popping Event). Esplanade in front of the Town Hall. 3pm: Bike trail and mini-moto championship. Sports Centre. 4.30pm: Pumpkin relay game. For children and youth up to 14 years old. Young children can participate with their parents. Esplanade in front of the Town Hall. All participating children will receive a small gift. 5.30pm: Gathering of giants from Muro and Puigpunyent. Plaça Comte d’Empúries. 6pm: Opening of the painting exhbition "Llum" by Xisca Careres. Muro Town Hall Lobby. 6pm. Human towers performance by Castellers de Tramuntana. Plaça Comte d’Empúries. 6.30pm: Opening of the painting exhibition by Kenzo and Joan Mariando. Former Bowling Alley. 7pm: Lantern procession. Bisbe Torrella Street, Perelló Street, Passeig de sa Riba, Bisbe Massanet Street, Martorell Street, and Plaça Comte d’Empúries. 7.30pm: Fire run and children's drums meetup. Esplanade in front of the Town Hall. 10pm: Carabassamusic with Romántic Drum & Sing and DJ Lluís Perelló. Plaça de Sant Mart.
  • Palma - 11am-4pm: Christmas market. Calanova Cancer Care Charity Shop. Av. Joan Miro 327.
  • Palma, Fira B - 5pm-7.45pm: Miquel Àngel Lacomba Quartet (jazz), Momi Maiga (world/jazz), Ermanno Panta & Banda Zeitun (Mediterranean), Miranda Jazz Quintet. One euro for four concerts. 8pm-11.30pm: Other Mother (jazz), Yelfris Valdes (jazz), Rembrandt Trio (jazz), Chicuelo and Marco Mezquida (flamenco/jazz), Tora Collective (jazz). One euro for five concerts. Teatre Xesc Forteza, Plaça Miquel Maura 1.
  • Palma - From 4.30pm: Nit de les Ànimes (Night of the Souls); children's activities, dance, cemetery guided tours, demons correfoc. Parc de Sa Riera.
  • Palma - 5pm: La Reina del Hielo (Ice Queen). Palma Auditorium, Paseo Marítimo 18. 20 euros. (Also Sunday.)
  • Palma - 9pm: Raphael (legendary Spanish singer). Palma Auditorium, Paseo Marítimo 18. 75-110 euros.
  • Petra - 8pm: Ojos de Serpiente (tribute to the band Fito y Fitipaldis). Petra Theatre, C. Sol 5. 15 euros.
POLLENÇA. FERIAS. La Fira Artesana cumple su 40 aniversario y exhibe el mejor producto y arte local. El Claustre de Sant Doming
Pollensa fair.
  • Pollensa, Pollensa Fair - 10am-1.30pm: Skating activities, popular games. Plaça Ca les Monnares; 10am: Play Wild natural experiences. Plaça Major. 11am-10pm: Street fair. 11am-2pm / 4pm-10pm: Artisan show; 12 noon: Modern music combos. Sant Domingo Cloister. 1pm-5pm: Music in Plaça Major. 5pm-8.30pm: Farming Cooperative gastromarket (show cooking at 7.30pm). Cooperative marquee. 5.30pm: Children's entertainment; 7pm-1am: Groups and DJs. Plaça Major. 8pm: Pollensa Band of Music. Monti-Sion Church.
  • Puerto Andratx, Fira Marinera - 10am-6.30pm: Nautical businesses, artisan market, children's zone, fish and seafood gastronomy. (Also Sunday 10am-4pm.)
  • Puerto Portals - 5pm - 8pm: Sankt Martin festival. Seven euros.
Santa Maria la Major fiestas in Inca.

Sunday, November 10

  • Bunyola - 6.30pm: Bunyola Festival of Music; Toni Bujosa (piano), Gershwin, Mussorgsky. Teatre Rafel Ramis, Plaça Andreu Estarellas. Ten euros.
  • Inca, Santa Maria la Major Fiestas - 9am - 2pm: So na Monda Food Market and Secondhand Market. Plaça del Bestiar. 10am: 23rd giant figures gathering. Giant figures assembly, accompanied by bagpipe players. Parade route: Plaça de Santa Maria la Major, Carrer del Born, Plaça de la Llibertat, and Plaça d’Espanya. 12pm: Giant Figures Dance at Plaça d’Espanya. 10.15am: Procession of Authorities to the Solemn Eucharist, accompanied by the Cossiers d’Inca dancers, Unió Musical Inquera, and the Inca Giant Figures group. Inca Town Hall. 10.30am: Solemn eucharist celebration. The Cossiers d’Inca will perform their traditional dance during the offering, and the Unió Musical Inquera will play the Hymn of Santa Maria la Major. After the service, a release of doves by Derby Mallorca will take place. Santa Maria la Major Church. 5pm - 8pm. exhibition of the 52nd Ornithology contest "Dijous Bo 2024. Carrer del Canonge Quetglas, No. 34 (corner with Carrer d’Antoni Torrandell).
  • Muro, Autumn and Pumpkin Fair - 10.30am Visit to the fair stalls. The local authorities will visit the various fair stalls, accompanied by the Muro bagpipers, Es Reguinyol. 11am: Story workshop. Parish Church Tower. 11.30am Street entertainment by Unió Artística Murera music band. 11.45am: Award ceremony for the "Find the pumpkin". Esplanade in front of the Town Hall. 12.30pm: 2024 Pumpkin contest. Around the Town Hall, there will be stalls displaying and selling various types of pumpkins. At Plaça Major: Attractions and fair stalls, nougat, and toys. At Plaça dels Abeuradors, Sant Joan Street, Plaça Sant Martí, and Bisbe Albertí Street: Fair stalls. On Major Street: Carriage Exhibition. Open Day at the *Ethnology Section* of the Mallorca Museum.
  • Palma - 10.45am: Remembrance Day Service. Anglican Church in Palma (Calle Nuñez de Balboa, 6) Son Armadans.
Real Mallorca play at Son Moix against Atlético Madrid.
  • Palma - 4.15pm: La Liga; Real Mallorca v. Atlético Madrid. Son Moix Stadium, Camí dels Reis.
  • Pollensa, Pollensa Fair - 10am-9pm: Artisan show and street fair. 10am: Pipers and dignitaries; tastings of lamb and wine (two euros donation). Cooperative marquee. 10am-1pm: Percussion ensemble. Plaça Major and Sant Domingo Cloister. 10.30am: Music from Sweet Duo. Via Pollentia. 11am-1pm: Palm wicker work. Sant Domingo Cloister. 12.30pm: Competition for cockerels. Cooperative marquee. 1pm: Music. Plaça Major.
  • Santa Margalida - 7pm: Me Colé (tribute to Spanish pop group Mecano). Santa Margalida Auditorium, Plaça S'Abeurador. 18 euros.