Palma vibrates to the sounds of the Chinese New Year

Declared an activity in the municipal public interest

Dance of the two dragons. | Miquel À. Cañellas


The main square in Palma's Pere Garau district was packed on Sunday by people celebrating the Chinese New Year. Declared an activity in the municipal public interest by the town hall, nationalities mixed as the events got under way at 11am to mark the Year of the Wood Snake.

For the dance of the two dragons, these colourful, mythical creatures were accompanied by thunderous percussion. In the middle of the square, traditional red lanterns on trees were lit.

A performance for the Chinese New Year in Palma, Mallorca
Photo: Miquel À. Cañellas

In Castellano, Chinese and Catalan, speakers said this was not only the Chinese community's most important festival but was also a cultural treasure registered by UNESCO as a symbol that for centuries has embodied "joy, hope and family unity". They wished everyone a Happy Chinese New Year.

There were also speeches from Fang Ji, president of ACHINIB Chinese community association in the Balearics, organisers of the event, and by Palma councillors Maria Luisa Fernández-Ratier and Antònia Roca, who represented Palma's mayor, Jaime Martínez. Ji pointed out that money raised during the day would be going towards a social project at Son Llàtzer Hospital.

Gastronomy for the Chinese New Year in Palma, Mallorca
Photo: Miquel À. Cañellas

A sunny and quite warm day guaranteed a high turnout to enjoy more music as well as dance, martial arts and Chinese gastronomy.