Palma lifeguards call off their strike

The company is unhappy with Palma town hall

The lifeguards had been due to strike from Sunday. | Emilio Queirolo


A strike by lifeguards in Palma, which was due to have started on Sunday, was called off at the last minute when their employers agreed to foot the bill for a promised pay rise.

The company, Emergencies Setmil, says that it didn't wish to be responsible for leaving the beaches without a lifeguard service. "We don't want to be party to that, and we imagine that Palma town hall doesn't want to be either, but the means have not been put in place. We face an extra cost of 30,000 euros per month in salaries. If this situation lasts for the whole season, it will lead us to a situation of insolvency, one caused by the town hall itself."

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Jose Escandell of Emergencies Setmil explains that the company "has been waiting for months for a satisfactory response to this conflict". There still isn't one, he stressing that there had been a commitment from Palma town hall.

He is referring to the fact that, as far as the company is concerned, the town hall had undertaken to cover the cost of a 35% pay rise. The town hall insists that no such commitment has ever been given.