Ban on smoking on Mallorca's beaches moves a step closer

Town halls are responsible for cleaning beaches

Collecting cigarette ends at Can Pere Antoni beach in Palma. | Miquel À. Cañellas


The Spanish government has drafted a decree which would authorise town halls to ban smoking on beaches and to issue fines for breaches. Specifically to do with tobacco waste, this decree comes under general Spanish legislation on waste and the EU directive on single-use plastics, given that plastic is among components in cigarette ends.

The draft has been put out to consultation with regional authorities, the Balearics having made submissions, calling for it to be more ambitious in reducing the deadline for its introduction.

Sebastià Sansó, the acting director-general for waste and environmental education, says that a further submission calls for a system of deposit and return for cigarette ends; the consumer would pay for a "sustainable container" at the time of purchase. He explains that the decree provides for specific containers for cigarette ends, "but we argue that a deposit and return system should be created".

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"Although there are litter bins, with or without ashtrays, the fact is that there are cigarette ends everywhere, so we believe that specific containers will not be enough. The recycling of cigarette ends is complicated, but it is to be hoped that research can find a way to use this waste in the future."

Sansó feels that giving town halls the power to prohibit smoking on beaches would be "very important". At present, there is the 'Platges sense Fum' campaign (Smoke Free Beaches), but this does no more than ask beachgoers not to smoke; it isn't a ban and there are no fines. "But with the decree, town halls would be able to prohibit smoking on beaches and sanction offenders."

"This measure would be totally logical, given that town halls are responsible for cleaning the beaches. They therefore must have sufficient authority and power to set waste prevention measures." The Balearics, he adds, also want the decree to be extended to parks and other natural spaces. "There is a basic cultural problem. People are not aware of the impact of cigarette ends. They have been thought of as harmless waste when they are not."