There are certain images of Mallorca that had become 'iconic' well before the days of Instagram. In Playa de Muro, a jetty stretching out into a tranquil sea is one such image, so much so that it is 'the image' of a resort which, like its neighbours on the Bay of Alcudia, is known for the shallowness of the sea. This picture postcard image always has to be perfect, not spoiled by the presence of people. But such perfection is difficult to obtain except in winter or early in the morning or late in the evening in summer; there are always people on the jetty.
The principal function of the jetties on Alcudia and Muro beaches is for picking up and dropping off tourists taking boat excursions. Employees of the excursions company are at the jetties. At one of them in Playa de Muro, the worker explains that she was there on both occasions when serious accidents have occurred this summer. "I was here on the days of the accidents but I didn't see how they jumped."
The shallowness of the sea which helps to make Playa de Muro the popular resort that it is and to encourage the accolades that Playa de Muro receives on social media and 'best-of' lists creates a hidden danger. There are signs telling people not to jump. But they do. And if they get their dives wrong and hit their heads on the seabed, the consequences can be very serious. Two adult men have been hospitalised this summer.

Toni Carrió is a deputy inspector with Muro police. He is also the coordinator of the beach safety and security services. "Every year we have incidents with people jumping. You can't see how deep it is. People don't know that it's only half a metre. The incidents are usually minor, but this season we have had two serious ones. It's been years since there was anything as serious as now. It's worrying that some adults jump, especially if they are with their children."
He explains that there has been a suggestion to install railings. This has been ruled out as it would increase the height from which people could dive in. "We are in talks with the company that has the concession about signage which specifically refers to municipal ordinance."
There is a fine, but fines are considered to be a last resort. "The fine for jumping into the sea from the jetty is 900 euros, although no fine has been imposed up to now. The easy thing would be to close the jetty but that would mean people pay for the sinners. We will shortly be indicating the amount of the fine.
"The company's workers and the lifeguards help us out and do a great job. The police will and do respond. But we ask people to be responsible. We can't be constantly watching. With one leap you can change your life."
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