Puerto Pollensa tourist season "endangered" by lack of beach services

Authorisation now comes from the Balearic government, not the Costas Authority

Puerto Pollensa, waiting for beach services. | MDB


The main opposition group at Pollensa town hall, Tots per Pollença-El Pi, said on Wednesday that the ruling administration is "putting the tourist season in danger" because there are no services for the Puerto Pollensa and Cala San Vicente beaches.

The town hall doesn't yet have authorisation from the coasts directorate to tender the services - sun loungers, parasols, bars. The directorate, which comes under the Balearic government since the transfer of powers from the state Costas Authority, has added certain requirements to the original application. The opposition blames the administration for having caused the delay.

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Mayor Martí March responded on Wednesday, saying that the application and the new documentation needed by the directorate were supplied on time, although he admitted that this could have been done sooner.

On Tuesday next week, the mayor explained, specifications for the tender of services will be approved, even without authorisation from the coasts directorate.

"We will issue the tender conditionally, informing the company that the contract depends on this authorisation." March added that he is in constant contact with the directorate and that he expects to obtain authorisation shortly. "They have until May, although they may give it to us in mid-April."