The Mallorca Platja Tour social media group, which staged a small performance protest on the beach in Sa Rapita last Saturday, has announced that its next protest will be at Caló des Moro in Santanyi on Sunday, June 16.
The group, which took great exception to a Vox member of parliament saying that Mallorcans cannot expect to go to beaches in July and August like they did years ago, says that the slogan for June 16 will be: 'Objective: Recover Caló des Moro'.
Mallorca Platja Tour adds: "Caló des Moro is a symbol of the overcrowding on our beaches, and that's why we have chosen it to go and have fun on Sunday, June 16." It will be from 8am to 1pm.
The group has made it clear that it is not protesting against tourists but against overcrowding and in particular the words of the Vox politician.
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There's a simple political graph that describes political ideology. It's a circle. At the top are "moderates (centrists, those not necessarily affiliated with left or right) At the bottom of the circle are "radicals". These are the extremists. The left of the circle represents the left, and the right represents the right What it illustrates is the the further left or right the ideology from "moderate", the closer they get to "radical", until at the bottom of the circle, both left and right are roughly the same: Radical. Using this measure, it could be argued that VOX and Més aren't really all that different.
John PittsHave to agree. But the Vox position is concerning. They appear hell bent on agitating the protesters and blocking any sensible government moves to calm the situation. They are playing a dangerous game.
I have been back in the Uk for c 48 hours and have already had half a dozen people ask whether I will go back (though I have Spanish residency) - the most extreme comment being ‘because Mallorca doesn’t want tourists anymore’. I totally understand and largely agree with the concerns of the protestors but their message that they are ‘not anti tourist’ is clearly not getting through. I hope they can achieve their aims politically without creating a damaging ‘all tourists not welcome’ image.
Its a joke, yeah?
Looks like a tiny beach, so the protest crowd of about 40 (on an island of 1million) will probably fill that small beach. However it looks like a donkey would be handy to take you down that rickety path.
They will to walk quiet a way as the access by car is only for local :-)