All hotels are now open for business for the first since 2019

Hoteliers overcoming staff shortages


For the frst time since 2019 all island hotels are now open for business and look set to enjoy a high level of occupancy as the island moves towards a record season.

The only hotels which are not open are those which are undergoing improvement building work, Maria Frontera, President of the Hoteliers Federation told the Bulletin. During the pandemic only a small fraction of hotels opened their doors for business. She said that their members had done their "homework" during the years of the pandemic and they were looking to overcome staff shortages especially in the more luxury hotels.

She said that the staff shortages had come about due to a mixture of problems ranging from the high rents and living costs in the Balearics and because a number of people had decided to leave the industry.

As regards to the Balearic government freeze on new hotels, Frontera, said that it should be left to market forces to see if new hotels were needed.