After the squat: Alcudia's Bellevue quiet for now

Neptuno II won't be reopening when the rest of the complex does

The entrance was bricked up. | Fernando Fernández


The last remaining squatters in the Neptuno II block at Alcudia's huge Bellevue complex left on February 24. So ended a highly publicised episode, which for local residents had come as no great surprise, given the ease of access to and within the complex and an apparent absence of security.

Guardia Civil patrol cars have always been seen regularly. On Friday there were two together, which was unusual. They first entered the part of Bellevue where Neptuno is located and then the other part. A road divides the two halves of Mallorca's largest holiday complex.

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The entrance to Neptuno II was bricked up to deter other squatters, the only access having been through an emergency door. There's no sign of the block reopening, it having not been used since the pandemic. Scars from the squatters explain some of the appearance but not all of it.

Emergency door at Neptuno II at Bellevue in Alcudia, Mallorca
The emergency door at Neptuno II. Photo: Fernando Fernández.

At most it was reckoned there were some 150 people squatting in Neptuno II, their eventual eviction having been secured through the intervention of a company that specialises in such evictions. Tourism law was a justification for the swiftness of the action, a law that doesn't of course apply to private homes. The squatters had breached the requirement to pay in advance to stay in tourist accommodation.

Outside Neptuno II at Bellevue in Alcudia, Mallorca
Outside Neptuno II. Photo: Fernando Fernández.

Bellevue will open for the season next month. Work is being carried out in advance of the new influx of tourists to a complex that operates in the island's economy class (and mainly all-inclusive). Things are quiet for now, but they soon won't be, an early-season challenge for regular tourists and local residents being five to six days of a so-called Rebel Festival, Portuguese students on a spring break.