Dear Sir, of all the snide remarks made by Mr. Fleming in his political commentaries, the insinuation that the WI walkout and heckling was engineered by Conservative ladies really hits a new low. Three of the six ladies interviewed in the “Daily Mail” today are members of the Labour Party. As an apologist for all Labour errors and a severe critic of anything done or said by William Hague, I wonder why Mr. Fleming bothers to stay in the media backwater of Majorca. I am sure he would be very welcome to join Mr Campbell's staff at No. 10. Although I shall miss his articles on books and music.

Peter Thompson

Ray Fleming replies: Although I have in the past worked in the No 10 Press Office (for both Conservative and Labour prime ministers) I don't think Alastair Campbell would want someone who, in the “snide” Viewpoint complained of by Mr Thompson wrote that Tony Blair's speech was “lacklustre and confused” and “a failure”.