Dear Sir, I would like to compliment the editorial staff on Thursday's issue of the Bulletin especially in respect of the month-by-month outline of major events throughout 2000 it really shows how many things are happening on our island, and the service of an English written newspaper for residents and visitors alike. Well done! Probably the most memorable event will be the seemingly never ending presidential elections in the USA, and the far from satisfactory results. I am afraid George Bush will prove an easy target for comedians, and I heard one person on CNN recently refer to him as “Chucky”.

For those who do not know, this is the name given to a homicidal doll in a horror film -round, shiny pink face, fixed, vacant expression, whose mouth only moves to utter monosyllables/remarks rather than a real statement. Rather cruel, but his party colleague Ronald Reagan fared no better. In a book of such quotes I have, a certain Jonathan Hunt said: “In a disastrous fire in President Reagan's library both books were destroyed. And the real tragedy is that he hadn't finished colouring one.” Maybe George's puppeteers may be able to minimise the fall-out, but 2001 promises to be an interesting year!

Graham Phillips