Dear Sir,
I read today that the EMT Palma bus service will have more new buses. My reaction to that was: I hope they won't be as the latest Benz, who have designed a bus full of mishaps: seats too small for two normal size (bums) people; that part where one needs a strap to hang on doesn't exist; and at the back the way to get up from your seat is almost impossible -no bar to hold on to, no way to stop you falling onto your unknown travelmates' face and two steps placed so that if you are lucky to find your first, you will be sure to fall off the second whose angle to say the least is suicidal. Have you seen it?

The other thing I'd like to say is about the fares, ie I live in a village and because of this I am unable to take a bank ticket but I see many people who have not been here any time at all, don't pay taxes and can travel cheaper than I. It isn't a good plan. What do you feel?

I have wondered at times about the organisation regarding routes as I stand waiting for my No 3. The double bus of Arenal passes by empty and then comes my bus full to the brim. Nobody can get on really, but we try. Everyone is stinking hot and the driver just stays quiet. Doesn't he ever suggest that there could be in the rush hour, 8-9.30am, some extras. I see there aren't any inspectors like in the old days. Why don't they bring some humanity into the bus service, after all it will have to be good to keep the cars down in Palma in the future.

Another thing, there is not a lot of safety regarding pickpockets. Nobody seems to care. The new bus station is alive with them, one or two of the drivers recognise them and try to turn them away by shouting to the culprit who shouts back his abuse. That isn't the way to carry on. So regarding the driver of the bus, he should have a mobile push button connected to a central control of plain clothes police. The driver soon knows the thieves, they are dressed as tourists, some very elegant, some not. Sometimes they work in twos.

I don't feel any of my comments will be published but I'm very sincere. I loved Majorca when it was old-fashioned.


Helen (regular reader of the Bulletin and traveller on local bus)