Dear Sir, IN response to R. Durkin's letter (Daily Bulletin 22nd February), I cannot see any contradiction in the statements of Kate Mentink and Jackie Evans of the “Foreign Dept” of Calvia.

To clarify things: l 1. The cut off point to register on the “padron” (electrol roll) was the 31st January. l 2. Those registered on the “padron” who have not previously registered their wish to vote, have until the 16th April to fill in a separate “voting census” form. l 3. Those that are already on the “padron” and have also completed a “voting census” form (either recently or for the 2003 elections) are on the census, have the right to vote, and need not fill in another form.

I would suggest that instead of decrying the foreign department Mr. Durkin should realise that it was specifically set up for citizens like him who obviously cannot cope with procedures and forms such as these.

John Rule, Sol de Majorca