by Jason Moore

It has been another very poor week for Britain´s coalition government which has made yet more policy U-turns and has been accused of being far too close to the Murdoch press. Prime Minister David Cameron needs to get a grip on his government otherwise it could all end in disaster. The Prime Minister needs to re-shuffle his cabinet team and bring in more experienced ministers. The Liberal Democrats have also got to be reminded of the fact that they are the junior-members of the coalition and should not be able to hold the Conservatives to ransom. I know many Conservatives living on Majorca who are deeply disappointed by Cameron and his team. I think the Prime Minister also needs to be reminded of some of his election pledges. Many Tory voters say that he has abandoned them to keep the coalition alive. This is not the way forward. If Cameron doesn´t get his act together I suspect there will be calls for change within his own party especially if they continue to suffer at the polls.