By Jason Moore

THE Spanish Socialist party (PSOE) suffered a severe defeat, one of its worst in history, in the local elections last month. The opposition Partido Popular won in most parts of the country. But now the PSOE want to call an early general election....because they believe they can win! Prime Minister Rodriguez Zapatero, who is not standing for re-election, believes that the lower rate of unemployment as a result of the tourist season being in full swing, will benefit his party and could mean that they would win the poll. Highly unlikely as the opinion polls say that the Socialists are many points behind the Partido Popular.

The general election could now take place in November rather than in March. The Partido Popular has been calling for an early election since their crushing victory in the local elections last month. They believe that the Socialists have lost their mandate to lead the country.

Most Spaniards blame Prime Minister Zapatero for Spain´s ills, from record unemployment to the severe recession. Former Balearic President Francesc Antich, blamed Zapatero, for their defeat in the local elections last month. Antich´s Socialist party lost more than 20'000 votes with the Partido Popular securing an enormous majority. I think an early general election in Spain would be a good idea because I think that Zapatero and his team have run out of ideas. The time has come for a change. A new government could help Spain leave recession.