Dear Sir,

As the owner of two business', trying to survive these desperate times, I was very relieved to be told by my Gestoria that I was due a tax rebate of over twelve hundred euros. This was due to an over-payment in the last financial year. Gratefully I mentally allocated the money to ease my business woes. Two months down the line, still no sign of the rebate. In the course of a conversation with my Gestoria I mentioned the absence of payment . Ten minutes later he called me back to report. Having spoken to the Tax Office he relayed their response to his query. “ Under new laws recently passed, the Tax Office have six months to return monies owed . These are new laws as the Government try to control and monitor outlay of money from their institutions.”

This obviously includes money that is not theirs. Naturally, should I not pay my tax bills that apply to THIS YEAR I will be required ( quite reasonably in my view!) to pay an additional fine which , to avoid incurring more fines will need immediate settlement.

Words fail me.
Oliver Cheetham