By Jason Moore IF you've got 45'000 unemployed during the peak summer months what is the figure going to be in November when the majority of hotels are closing down? This is the question which the Balearic government should be asking themselves and trying to find ways to help local businesses. Obviously, the local construction industry is suffering but so is the airline industry which employs thousands of people in Majorca. Even the Spanish government appears to have been taken by surprise at the extent of the recession which is now engulfing Spain and I believe that the Balearic government is no different. When times are good perhaps you can ignore winter tourism but when times are bad any sort of revenue should be welcome. The Balearic government should be talking with the airline industry and pleading with them to maintain flights during the winter, talking to hoteliers and tour operators about what they are going to be doing in the winter. It has obviously been a poor summer season and these islands simply cannot afford a poor winter. Before the unemployment figures start rising anymore then action should be taken now. It is going to be a long cold winter and it is the job of the Balearic government to give us some comfort.