By Jason Moore THE Balearic government is pondering merging some of its government ministries to save money. A good idea but I think they could go even further. At the moment there are three layers of government in the Balearics (yes, three). First, there are the local councils (with their respective councillors for tourism, building, sports etc). Then there is the Council of Majorca (with their respective councillors for tourism, building and sports etc). Then there is the Balearic government with its respective minister for tourism, building and sports etc. All three bodies answer to the central government in Madrid with its respective ministers for sports, building, tourism etc. Each council or government department is well staffed with Civil Servants. So effectively you need three separate bodies to administer these islands. Surely, it is far too much. If you´ve got a Balearic government do you really need an island council as well? So I would say to Balearic leader Antich that he needs to be more bold and perhaps introduce even greater saving mergers. It must be a nightmare to get through legislation with so many different types of government and councils. In some cases it must look like a scene from Yes Prime Minister.