Dear Sirs,


WE have been reading the Bulletin every sojourn since visiting this beautiful island from 1985. This year's prices and value for money seems to be a significant issue in your Letters Pages. However, let's put things in perspective. I know that even in her book A Winter in Mallorca George Sands in the Victorian period suggests that the Majorcans knew how to extract “the most” from visitors to the island, however, I feel that things are not that bad! We find Majorcans warm and friendly, and we love the family values we see everywhere. As a regular year on year visitor we know where to go for the bargains and also where not to go. Yes there are the tourist traps, but generally Majorca is still a good value island. Despite the value of the Euro, the average price of a bottle of wine in the UK is £6.50, and a good bottle of superior Macia Batle still works out at £4.50! More seriously, the car hire charges are not doing the island any favours, nor are their attempts to charge your credit card in pounds sterling so that they can load the exchange rate! I also note the tale of woe from some bar -restaurant owners about poor business. One observation I do have is that many restaurants do not realise that the world has moved on. Despite the recession, we are all far better off than we were 20 years ago, and Majorca seems ironically to try to cater for a cheap and cheerful experience for tourists. This market will always be there for youngsters, whether on a stag night or as young parents, and indeed for us twenty years ago, chicken and chips and a few beers for a few pesetas was all that was needed.

However, as we age and we refine our tastes many of us are looking for a true Majorcan experience. I want to go into a restaurant and see traditional Majorcan dishes, not the euro pap. I expect to listen to sympathetic Spanish mood music being played in the background, not euro pop at full bast - we are on holiday, we want peace and tranquility, particularly in middle age! Restaurateurs need to learn from Majorca's wine industry who have understood that people's tastes have become more sophisticated compared to twenty years ago and who are now producing Internationally award winning wines, a quality product which people are willing to pay for - well done Macia Batle and Anime Negra
- we love you! Like life, Majorca is not perfect, but for us it is as close as life on this earth could ever be!

Phil and Jakki, Langshaw UK