By Jason Moore

THE armchair generals and admirals were furious yesterday over plans to share Royal Navy aircraft carriers with the French. Under plans which still have to be agreed Britain and France would share its three carriers in a cost-saving measure. The Royal Navy has two carriers being built at the moment and one if not both could be scrapped as part of sweeping cuts.

This would leave the Royal Navy without any carrier at all. Under the so-called French proposals costs would be shared probably allowing the Royal Navy to get both carriers. I am sure if you asked the Royal Navy if they wanted two aircraft carriers shared with the French or none at all, they would go for the first option. So what is the problem?

I think it is a very good idea under the circumstances. Let's face it, the British military establishment needs to be shaken-up.The Cold war finished almost 20 years ago but unfortunately most of Britain´s military equipment, both new and old, is designed to fight the Soviets. The time has come for a change and new ideas. The armchair generals and admirals should stay quiet because, after all, many are responsible for overspending the defence budget by buying the wrong equipment at an enormous price.