Hurrah Catalonia! I vowed years ago that I would never vacation in Spain until bullfighting was banned. I never dreamed it would happen in my lifetime.
It is only a matter of time when the people of Spain will ban this torturous act nation-wide. In a few short years its people will wonder why they ever tolerated pain and mutilation of these great animals.

Arlene Johnson, North Dakota, USA

J.R Eddleston attributes to me, in a letter to the Bulletin on the 20th Aug, views which I do not have. I was merely reporting what was going on in the Roman market town of Inca. When I reported that the bullfight was highly successful, I was saying that the large crowd attending got their money's worth. And that according to today's rules and practice, the spectacle did well. I also reported the protestors outside the ring.

The show in Spain has been going on for many hundreds of years. Its origins and mode, require a lot of careful research. Naturally the event may have changed a lot in that time. My mother went to Barcelona in 1928 from Eastbourne, when my father was one of the principal speakers at the International Eye Conference. What impressed her most at a bullfight, was the long queue of poor people outside at the end, who were given a piece of the meat. Now I think it must go straight to the market.

As a scientist, I am much more disturbed by the international permission given to the Japanese to hunt whales for scientific research. After many years they have not published any results.

Dr G.A.R Giri