By Jason Moore

WHILE politics in Europe makes watching paint dry look interesting across the pond they make it both entertaining, completely over the top and great viewing. In Europe, where only five out of ten people actually vote, politicians stand on their soap-box, make rather inferior speeches and fail to inspire their audiences. In the good old U.S. politics is alive and the voters appear to be involved. Take the next British election campaign which will see Gordon Brown (probably) campaigning against David Cameron. It will take place in dark obscure parish halls attended by one man and his dog and those in search of some warmth. The message will be the same from both leaders and political correctness will mean that they can´t really say what they really want to say so we are left with the same old rhetoric. But in the United States the fanfare of the occasion, the flags, the speeches all make politics far more interesting. I had an option yesterday morning, watching highlights of a speech by Gordon Brown or John McCain. No contest I´m afraid. While, we in Europe like to knock the U.S in some ways we should be envious. They certainly know how to put on a good show and bring politics into your living room. What a great U.S. election campaign.